Congrats Tawni Ahuero C.N.A
Song Of The Day- The Used - I Caught Fire
Currently Feeling- Good
Well I haven't updated in a couple days and for the most part i have been really busy. So much homework and what not. Ummm yeah it's been a pretty busy time. Yesterday I had no free time until 11 at night. Well i dunno about that like a couple days ago I went out to dinner with Steph, Frank, Aditi, Sarah, and Michelle, and Clarice. We ate at the grill which was pretty cool. After that Steph, Frank, and me went to the mall to do some "stuff". Yeah it was cool............... Yesterday I congradulated Tawni who successfully passed her CNA test so congrats to you tawnicita. Steph and me bought flowers for her and then Frank and me helped them move the new furniture in. It looks pretty cool.
Today I only had one class but i woke up early to turn in steph's lab. I then gave Frank his bag, and then went back to sleep til 11. I was supposed to meet with my spanish group but that didn't happen. I went to spanish at noon then went with Doug to grab some food. He caught what I caught. Anyways we bumped into Aditi and Michelle. Yeah he thought Aditi was cute and asked me why I didn't hook up with her. heh so anyways i went back to my room to eat and I was supposed to go to the house to help tawni with her lab. She said however that she didn't need me to come over so 10 minutes later she changes her mind. Yeah she was real stressed and tired so she was real grouchy but i helped her out anyways cuz i'm a good friend. I took a nap too cuz i started getting real tired. I then brought her back to school for her lab while I went home and watched the presidential debate.....heh bush didn't know what he was talking about half the time. His only claim was that Kerry was a flip flop but Kerry talked like the opposite of a flip flop. Anyways a good debate for Kerry. Anyways Adam and Moses are supposed to come at around 9:30 so I'm waiting for them.