Please Stop Putting Dead Birds in the Microwave

Picture of the Day - This is the microwave on the lower floor of the Harvill Building

Song of the Day - Franz Ferdinand - Take Me Out
Currently Feeling - OK
Well last night I watched Boondock Saints while helping Tawni with her homework. The movie looked really cool but I didn't get to watch the movie in it's entirety. So I'll probably watch it sometime this weekend.
Today has really been my chill and get my barings back day. I woke up and chilled with Tawni for a bit then walked her to class. I then played a couple games of Madden, then went to Spanish. Spanish sucked but afterwards me and this kid in my spanish class Doug went to lunch. He's a cool kid, he's in my dorm. So anyways after that I played more Madden. Kyle and Nick came over and we looked at the old school Madden. Then Doug came in and we worked on some homework while Kyle's girlfriend's roommate came in as well as one of Dougs friends. After that everyone started leaving and it was just Jason and me chilling until Paul, Brad, and Tawni came over. We chilled until Tawni had to go to class. Paul and Brad went to the Union while I chatted online with Jase. Yeah I talked to Jase about something that was somewhat bothering me and caught up and what not. I got some downtime to myself then Paul and Brad came back and we watched extreme elimination show. Tawni then got off early and now I'm alone again just chilling chatting online with Tara and Joel.
I don't know what I'm doing for the rest of the night or for that matter I don't know what I'm going to do tomorrow. I only have one class tomorrow so it'll be cool. I should probably do something outside since today i've been chilling.
Random Things....
Yeah I feel better now from a few days ago....
I'm planning on joining more clubs.....
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