Family Guy

Picture of the Day - Me before lab class on Tuesday

Song of the Day - Edwin Mccain
Currently feeling - distress
Yeah so yesterday morning I almost slept through 1st hour. Luckily Tawni called at 7:48 so I just ran to class. After that I chilled in my room with my roommate and Tawni. Then Frank came over and Tawni took a nap on my bed. Jason then left to LA and Paul came over. We watched a few episodes before Frank and Tawni had to go to class. Paul and me watched a few more episodes of family guy. Tawni then had to be picked up while I met up with Frank to go eat lunch. After that I got ahold of Ryan and Brad and we all went to the mall so that I could get another vincent van gogh painting "the cafe". There was another poster I wanted but they didn't have it in stock. So after that we went back to the university so that frank could go check to see if he got the interview while Brad and Ryan got lunch. As for me I cleaned up a bit.
After that we watched two more hours of family guy before they left to get something to eat while I took a siesta. That didn't last long as they came back and we left to go to brooklyn pizza and go to Tawni's house to watch Boondock Saints. Finally got to watch the whole movie and it was a great movie. I helped Tawni with her homework a little and in return she kept going after my ribs...heh. Then they started playing Ninja stars which I started taking pictures. I left early with Brad cuz I wanted to get some sleep for once and that is what I did.
Today Jenn comes so were probably going to hang out with her. She comes in at 2-3 so that's cool. I'll probably also do some homework so yeah..
random things...
Lately news of Washington has come in, I'm debating about whether or not I would want to go.
I had a weird dream last night where I went to senior prom and I was going with Vicky. However before prom I dropped by Tawni's house (in Tucson although it was in phoenix). I took Tawni out to dinner in her scrubs and shirt while I was in my tux. Umm and then I remember getting flowers before picking up Vicky.
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