
Picture Of The Day - Khalid and's Khalids b-day today

Song Of The Day - Avril Lavigne - I'm With You
Currently Feeling - OK
Well I'm in phoenix for probably the last time in a while. Well to my credit this is the first time I'm going because I wanted to and not because I had too. Well the last couple days, everyone has been dealing with the fallout of the bio test. Well it turns out I have a B now because of the curve which is a big improvement over my original grade. So the stressed was lessened immensely. Also my ego got filled by my english teacher because during my conference she comment on how I was an exceptional writer and she asked if my high school was the reason for my writing ability.....(head getting bigger j/k)....anyways so Thurs and part of Fri I helped Steph study chemistry. Also Fri I beat Kyle at Madden. Yeah him, Tawni, Steph, and Paul chilled in the room for a while, then Steph, Paul, and me ate at the Pita Pit which was good. After that Paul left to take Tawni home and Steph helped me get ready with my stuff. The drive was decent, I made decent time, maybe a little unsafe cuz I was texting people while driving. I got there and I slept for a little bit before heading out to the game with Joel. The football game was close with Cactus winning although they still suck. Afterwards we went to Brothers and I had a calzone, then we went to QT to get drinks. Ummm yeah I guess it's still the place for high school hangouts, it's ridiculous. There were like 40 high schoolers there. I did bump into Jason and Nick so I said what's up to them. Afterwards we chilled at Joels house until Adam came home. I guess they put Molly to sleep, I never really liked her but I felt bad. Anyways I beat Joel at Madden but I lost against Adam although I was the Cardinals.
Today I had lunch with my mom and sis and Dr. Joe. Now I'm gonna do some homework and tonight I dunno what I wanna do.
Random Things....
I talked to Jenn and Steph about me being an introvert. I wasn't always so shy but stuff happened in 5th grade (huh Jenn) and 6th grade that scarred me for life and as a result I have always been shy and never had much self confidence. I want to change that aspect of my personality but it's very hard because that is a major weakness in me. I'm fine with guys but meeting girls has always been a killer for me.
Based on everyone, let's see Frank got reinstated into class due to it being a mixup. So he's doing fine now, Steph is feeling a bit less stressed because of her grade being a B too, Tawni she seems a little odd still, I dunno bout what but I'll give her time.
My studying habits will change slightly now to enhance my learning...heh
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