Picture of the Day - Chad and his new girlfriend and Ryan's cousin......I forgot her name (I'm terrible at names)

Song Of The Day - Usher and Alicia Keys - My Boo
Currently Feeling - Tired
Well yesterday was a busy day yet at the same time, I can't seem to remember what I did. All I remember was that I was really tired. I skipped Bio cuz I got into town at 7 and I was tired. So after bio Tawni and Steph came over and they chilled in my room. Went to lunch with Steph and Tawni. After class I hung out at the dorm for a bit. Steph came over and worked on her essay. She was there til 7 after bio. I watched the football game, then pretty much went to sleep.
Today I had chem lab so that actually went alright. After that I went back to my dorm for some raman. I went to spanish where I have a test tomorrow. After that I did some bio homework then i went over to the house. I helped them with there homework a little then we drove to bio discussion. I drove them back and went to the store to buy some food. I then went back to my dorm, hung out with Frank and Jason and had some dinner at Panda. After that I chatted on AIM for a little bit, then I went downstairs to do Jason's laundry. Got paid 5 dollars, I did my spanish homework in the kitchen and I talked to like 5 girls. They were all pretty cool but the sad thing is that I can't remember any of their names. Yeah I thought one of them was cute and I talked to her for a good 15 minutes until I realized I had spanish to study. Anyways I'm feeling really sick so I took my shower and some tylenol night caps and i'm ready for bed.
Random Things.....
Did I mention I feel like crap. THat's probably due to Steph cuz she said has been sick this past week and last night we shared a soda not to mention she's been in my dorm all day.
I should start doing my homework in the kitchen more often.
Jenn is a great girl (is that good enough...heh).....
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