Song Of The Day- Lloyd - You
Currently Feeling- Good
Uh you guys have seen, my blogs have been coming around a lot less lately. Ya hopefully I can turn that around a bit, but my writing has been a little off this week. Anyways honestly i don't remember what has gone down this week so I'm not gonna try to remember and instead just move onto yesterday. Simply put, school yesterday was pretty lax. Of course i had my 8AM p. chem class. Its starting to look like a rehash of physics to me which is definately not a good thing. But so far i understand what the professor is teaching, I just haven't started doing the homework. After that class, I had a three hour break, so Botch and me had some breakfast over at the Cactus Grill and then headed over to the chem lounge and hung around with Emily and Nealton. I worked on studying for my greek mythos quiz i had that day. After the first hour Nealton left and I was then joined by Steve-O. So after two hours i was done studying for mythos and i didn't want to do anymore homework so i decided to go to the SBS Annex building to turn in my gender paper. A quick note on that, I haven't written an academic paper in awhile and judging from that paper, I was definately rusty. I'm usually confident about the turnout of my papers but I'll be honest, the wordage I used as well as the overall flow of the paper was lacking. Anywho after dropping off my paper, I decided to get some Penguins. Now last Fri i went to Penguins and since then i've had the craziest urge for the stuff. So after i grabbed some Penguins, I went to my Greek Mythos class and took the quiz that literally took two minutes.
After that I went home and ran some little errands here or then before going home. I checked the mail, and i recieved a package from Microsoft. I was scarred shitless because besides my OS, nothing from microsoft is quite "right" per say. So my first thought was that it was going to be some anti-piracy letter however when i opened it up, i found a product key for a full version of office 2007 professional. So i went home and loaded that shit on my computer. After all that hubbub, I kicked back for awhile before heading over to Me'shells apt. When i got there Me'shell, Deeds, and Tara were there and were still waiting for Adam and Sarah. As soon as they got there we drove over to Buffalo Wings N Things and were soon joined with Botch and Craig.......It was real far and took it's toll on my gas but it was worth it because they had some good wings and they were also playing the Suns game (which wasn't televised on tv, only sat). We then left to go to Tara's to pick up some cake supplies then went back to the girls apt. There we just baked a cake and chilled. Adam, Deeds, and me then went to Penguins in hopes of getting some banana cheesecake but it was broken. I really wanted to go bowling but it was gonna happen on this night so instead we watched some shows on TLC followed by True Life: I wanna be a sumo wrestler. Ya Tara was the only one drinking and it definately didn't turn out well since she got sick.
In a nutshell that was last night, today I'm heading over to Phx to take care of some business before heading back Sun.
Random THings...
- I turned down tickets for the UA vs UNC game that really hurt.
- So far the semester has been pretty good although there are still some unsettled things and interesting storylines that i will have to deal with.
-My alternate title to this post was originally going to be "A Fine Line" but i opted out of it because I didn't want to go to detail what that meant and also because i'm pretty sure i've used that title once before. haha
- No Penguins was a miswording i used last night. I was talking to adam about the TLC channel and we were talking about the different TLC in society (ex. The learning channel, tender, loving, care, Teboz, lefteye, and Chili. And that led to us talking about old TLC songs and we both agreed we didn't like no scrubs. I then said I didn't like the guy version either.....No Penguins before i quickly caught myself and resaid No it doesn't translate well in writing but i thought it was kinda humorous.