Clean Slate

Currently Feeling- Good
Picture of the Day - This is a pic of my cousin Scarlet and me. I'm pretty drunk i think at this point. You can't see it but she's 6 months pregnant.
Well it's tuesday night which unfortunately means that school starts tomorrow. So because of that, the past couple days i've been running massive errands. Today had the brunt of my errand running. I went to the post office, to blockbuster, to best buy, to the mall, to my friends house. Afterwards I went home and relaxed for awhile. I watched a bit of the suns game before going out to dinner. Dinner was fun, there was a bunch of us so the conversation pretty much split in two. My table had Adam, Deeds, Shelby, and Tara. Anyways i haven't really gotten to hang out with everyone so it was cool catching up a little. Anyways after dinner, we sorta exchanged xmas gifts and then we all went on our merry ways.
This is gonna be a short blog cuz i have to go to sleep but the last thing i want to touch on is the title "Clean Slate". It's actually something that was concocted yesterday when i dropped by to say what's up to Adam and Deeds. Anyways it's pretty obvious what it means, on a romantic aspect, this semester is a clean slate and i'm no longer trying to shoot for certain people. Anyways that is my very brief blog. Tomorrow i got pchem, physics, greek mythos, and chem safety.
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