Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Song Of The Day- The Postal Service - The District Sleeps Alone Toni
Currently Feeling- Normal......a little odd
This Day In History- 4years ago - I got into an accident with the MDX........

Well today was the first day back from school. It was odd though. First thing is I KO'ed last nite around 12:30ish only to wake up at 4:30. I laid in bed for 30 minutes until i figured it was pointless so i got up and took a shower and i ended up leaving to go to school at 6:45 with class starting at 8. Anyways i got there and read the newspaper then just chilled in the classroom listening to the radio. The first class of the day is PChem who i have it with Me'shell, JBot, Emily, Neal. Its in the same room as my achem class last semester so it was very very familiar. The class is something i'm definately not looking forward to but i havent' had the chance to look at the book so until then i'll reserve my judgement. Also there wasn't really anyone there who I thought was cute except for this girl who was in my achem class last semester.

Babe Count: 1

I then had an hour break so Jbot, Emily, and me went to the cactus grill and had some breakfast. Halfway there we were joined by Shelby, Tara, and Craig. Anywho we only had an hour before we left to Physics. Physics is also in the same room, quite depressing. The teacher though seems head and shoulders better than Visscher so that's a relief. I'm definately going to be focusing a lot on that class this semester. Unfortunately I didn't see anyone in my physics class who caught my eye thus the babe count remains.....

Babe Count: 1

I then had another hour break so i decided to eat a little ham and then chill a bit on the grassy knoll. My next class was Greek Mythologies. You may ask why i'm taking that class and i have three main reasons for it. 1) I need an easy A (hopefully) 2) I have a huge break if i don't take it 3) I generally like Greek Mythos and since frosh year i've actually wanted to take the class. Anyways the class was pretty typical, it looks interesting although I dunno if i'll end up keeping up with the readings. Anyways the class is big so the babe count is a little unfair so i'll just leave it to people next to me. But ya there was this one girl with a nice body....

Babe Count: 2

My final class for the day was Chem safety. First however, I had a two hour break. My original plan was to hang out with Adam and Deeds but they went to his house and i didn't want to drive so instead i took a nap at the tv lounge. It wasn't a good nap because i kept thinking someone was gonna jack my backpack. Anyways I went to class and sat next to Geneveive, Me'shell, and i think her friend Bri. Anyways the class was weird. I dunno i don't even think we talked about chemistry, just natural disasters and planes. (?) Anyways i do have to say this, i was sitting in the middle section towards the left and there were plenty of cute girls sitting in the left section. I counted at least 4. The funny thing was they all sort of looked the same: brunette slim to normal build, avg height, cute complexion (spelling?). Anyways i realized that and i chuckled a little inside at my predictability.

Babe Count: 6

After class I went home and tried out my new experiment....Onenote.... Pretty much it's a digital notebook. It took a bit to set it up with my classes but i'm satisfied with the turnout so far. I also marinated some chicken wings for dinner while thawing the beef for pot roast tomorrow.

Random Things......

- The classes were weird because my first two classes (PChem and Physics) were in the exact same classes and we sat in the same exact was odd....

-Apple has been sued by Cisco over copyright infringement over the name iPhone because apparently Cisco already owned the name....hahaha

- Today was also kind of odd for another reason. I can't really state why but something didn't feel natural or right. Thus the title "Byproduct", because i think that the reason for the unnatural feeling is a byproduct of a recent decision of mine.


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