Sometimes Its Better To Say Nothing At All

Currently Feeling- Ehhh
Picture of the Day - This was one of the few pictures taken from last night......Lets just say they were piss ass drunk.
Well the weekend is coming to a close and i must say that it went by real quick. Most of that can be attributed to me having to go work at the Laboratory Theatre as an usher. I must say however it was a pretty cool experience.....well as least as cool as it could have been given the situation. The people i worked with were really cool. Haha it was kinda funny though because the people i hung out with were mostly 21 so they would ask if i wanted to go to the bar but obviously i couldn't....haha....but ya it was pretty cool nonetheless.
Anywho Sat was pretty laid back to begin. I woke up and watched cartoons again before having to run some errands. I dropped off my ochem solutions manual at Yavapai so Sarah could use it, then deposited my check from Sterling at the bank. When i came back i cleaned my room and then just chilled for a little bit before having to go to the theatre. Work was alright, i had to watch the play for like the 3rd time because i had to be security at the balcony. After work, i bought some ice and then went back home. Well as i had expected, they were all drunk (minus frank and moses who didn't drink alot). They had apparently started drinking as soon as they got there. And to add Joel decided to drive over after he got off work at 10. Anywho they wanted pizza but i couldn't get them to gather any money so instead we deciced to go to IHOP. Ya that was definately a chore, Frank didn't want to go, Adam was being flip-floppy because he wasn't hungry and was sleepy, John wanted to keep smoking hooka. So eventually Adam, J-Pop, Moses, and me went to IHOP while Frank and John stayed at the apt. Anywho we got there and ate and then we decided to go to Emily's party. (Note: when i got off of work, my original plan was to go bymyself to say hi and chat for a little bit. I called Emily to see if she was still having the kickback, but i decided to first see how the guys were doing back in the apartment. They were drunk so i called back Emily and had to regretably say that i wasn't going to come over. By the time we got to IHOP, their drunken states had calmed down a little bit and i sill wanted to go over there so that's why we did go over there). Anywho Aditi also called and they were also at a kickback in the same apt complex (Star Ranch). So we went to Star Ranch and we stopped by Emily's first to say what's up. Unfortunately Alysha had already left, so i didn't get a chance to talk to her but we all talked to Emily for a little bit, and the drunks refilled their particular beverages...haha....I felt a little bad that we only dropped by for a little bit, i hope she didn't get the impression that we came just for alcohol, but we did think up an idea to play Risk (non-alcoholic version) sometime. Anyways from her apt we decided to go to Aditi's friends apt. On the way over there, the PoPo were there with spotlights looking for something in the parking lot. Anywho so we went over there, and Aditi, Michelle, Clarice, Sarah, and Victoria were there. We sat down and chatted for a bit but Adam looked like he was gonna KO so we decided to leave. When we got back, Joel was already there, Frank was off (presumably to talk to Shannon on the phone), and John was asleep. we started playing smash brothers and i started drinking a little bit. The girls came over for like 10 minutes just to say what's up and then left. We played some more and then there was a loud knock on the door. At first i thought it was gonna be a complaint about the noise. It was the neighbor but he just wanted to reintroduce himself. He was throwing a party that night because he just turned 21, anyways he just wanted to ask if we wanted to play beer pong and said that if i wanted alcohol to ask him (oddly enough, earlier in the night, John tried to come over carrying a handle of Vodka, he said they slammed the door in his face). Anyways i got tired so we all started to hit the hay. I then heard Joel throw up in the bathroom, and he did all over the toilet.
This morning i woke up at 11, i hung out with the guys in the living room for a little bit then i had to get ready for work. It was my last day working, I didn't have to watch the play today so the guy i work with, this other guy (i suck at remembering names), and I went to La Salsa for lunch. Good food i must say. Anyways we went back and i watched Family Guy with this other dude Thomas. After work, i then went home and here I am now.
Random Things.....
- The title of the post seems to be an ongoing theme in this blog as well as in life in general as of late. Blogwise, i've said time and time again that the blog has undergone a lot of change from its beginnings. The amount of readers have increased to the point where i can't completely identify everyone who reads the blog and there are some things that i have to leave out because i wouldn't want to offend anyone. Granted this is my blog and i do have a right to voice my opinion, but if you really want to know then i'm sure i'd tell you, i just feel more secure voicing it in person as opposed to leaving on the blog for everyone to see. Last night would be a perfect example of what i mean. I would love to expand my thoughts on last night, but i don't want my blog to be the source of some sort of strife among people.