Sushi Mania

Currently Feeling- Stuffed
Picture of the Day- For those who haven't had the pleasure/displeasure of meeting this man....his name is Brotha Jed. Some of his famous phrases include "Jews are good for baking bagels" or "I took LSD".....anyways i was able to capture the essense of Jed as he was on the verge of condemning a member of UofA.
Well today for the most part seemed like a good day. I barely woke up for school this morning but alas i found the strength to do so. So I took my shower and took John to school. I had math and got my homework back and I got another 9 (ya!!). So far i've avoided the same pitfalls from last semester and hopefully i can keep it that way. After that i headed off to Indv with Tawni. Class was alright, the kid sitting next to me was texting on his cell phone, reading espn on his comp, and had headphones on.....why even show up? I then went to theatre class for 20 minutes which i got my review paper back and i got a 92 (Yippee!).........I then showed up for the last 15 minutes of Ochem discussion and then went with Aditi to talk to her lab boss. we then went to the ILC to see if bio scores were up...they weren't. We then showed up to bio and i sat next to my friend from G&G. Class sucked and as usual Deeds and me left early. I then went home and was being somewhat productive but then I went to dinner with clarice to All you can eat sushi.......o man it was so good but i could barely eat was sad!!! Anyways it was cool, clarice and me talked about a bunch of random stuff before we decided to head back home. Now i'm trying to be productive by finishing my lab but so far no luck........
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