Shoulda Woulda Coulda

Currently Feeling- Stupid
Picture of the Day- Carl AKA C-Dog AKA Carl's Jr
Well this weekend started out quite boring but got really interesting towards Sat. Anywho Fri seemed like a very typical day. I went to ochem and then i stopped by my math prof office to show him that i did one of the homeworks he thought i didn't do. After that bottcher and me went home to play smash brothers for a while with john joining us. After that we drove to costco to get some grub. On the way back it started raining a little which was really nice. It was like San Diego weather...... Anyways when we got back Shannon was there. So i went to my room and updated my mp3 player for a long ass time then tawni came over and we decorated frank's room for shannon and we drove to wal-mart to get more supplies. Ya it was pretty sweet idea by Shannon, she had balloons with flowers attached leading to his room. The first one had a note saying "I will love you til the last rose dies" and the final flower leading to his room is a plastic rose.....Anyways it was cool, after that i just chilled. The girls IM'ed me and were planning on watching Match Point. I was going to go at first but decided against it cuz i never heard what the movie was about and its so expensive to watch movies here. So instead John, Frank, Shannon, Bottcher, and I watched Saw II in the living room....
Sat started out normal......i woke up and watched Sonic the Hedgehog and then i started doing some math while listening to music. I then called everyone to see if they were going to the play and then went to the school and bought tickets. I then watched the NBA all star activities before it was time to go. Bottcher and me then went to the girls house to pick them up. We said we were gonna be on campus by 7:30 but instead we left around 7:30. Anywho we watched "Bombay Dreams" and at first i had quite low expectations but i really enjoyed myself. It was highly entertaining and just a great production. The one song that seemed to get stuck in everyones head was "Shakalaka Baby", if you ever watch this play you will understand. Anyways after that we were all hungry so we dropped by IHOP for some food. Clarice met us up and ate with us. Anyways we were at the counter to pay when i get a call coming from Emily. It's Alysha and she was wondering if we were going to the party. Haha that made me quite happy that she was gonna be there and she called to make sure we were coming. So we went over there and ya both she and emily were there among others. Anyways, this was the opportunity i was hoping for to distance myself from chemistry but it didn't turn out the way i wanted to. First off when i was the opportunity, i mean it was the perfect opportunity. First off it seemed like she wanted to talk to me, she would always stand next to me and it just seemed like at times she would go out of the way so that i would talk to her. The problem was i couldn't string together a conversation for longer than 5 minutes. I figured that maybe if i started drinking, it would change but no matter how quick i tried to down it, i wasn't getting drunk (or red). So alas opportunity somewhat wasted.....we did give her a ride home......
Today i woke up because of frank and shannon's noise haha. I got ready and got to work as an usher. Work was alright, nothing bad or anything just boring. I don't work til Thursday though. I will admit, my boss is hot! haha....anyways i worked as the guy who passes aout programs. I worked with this guy who rips the guy. Anyways after work, i went home and took some benedryll and slept through the all star game.
Random Things...
- So ya i'm still kicking myself about Sat night......i dunno what else to say......
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