Productivity Zero

Currently Feeling- Lazy
Picture of the Day -
This is none other than Mr. Bread (I believe Michelle and me named it). This loaf of bread isn't just any bread, this is bread that was in my fridge all first semester of frosh year. Jason the Jew and I ate approximately 1 piece of bread...haha
Well today...hmmm my plan was to be uber productive since i only had one class today. My day started by waking up around 9 not due to my alarm but due to some hardcore bed rattling that i heard in Franks room....followed by some faint screams....(yuck...) Anyways I took my shower and headed off to school. I had Ochem which was pretty basic, then i had an hour break before lunch with Deeds and Me'shell. I called up Monica but originally she was gonna go out to lunch with her friend. So i then took a mini siesta on the lawn. Monica called saying that her lunch plans were cancelled to see if i still wanted to hang out but by the time i got the message i was KO'ed for a good while. When i woke up it wouldn't have been worth it, so instead i walked over to the Arts building because i saw some artwork on a brickwall that i wanted for my phone wallpaper. So i took it and headed over to the Union. I ate lunch with the girls before heading home.
At home i called my mum to wish her happy b-day.....So HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUM!!!!! I then halfassed read my Ochem book and retained literally nothing, then proceeded to eat peanuts, play online poker, and watch the smallville marathon......productive..i know....haha.....anyways as we speak the marathon is still going on which is delaying me going to get some food to eat for dinner.
Anywho my plan for tomorrow involves going to school from 8-3:15, with a 1 or 2 hour break depending on if i go to all my classes. Then i gots to do some ochem lab work.
Random Things......
- I think i'm back to normal from my sad saturday night....oddly enough i read my horoscope for tomorrow (from yahoo and yes i know...sounds stupid) and it seems to be pointing at one thing for me to do.
- I have faith that i'll be able to gather up some form of courage sooner or later.
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