Currently Feeling- Relieved
Picture of the Day- So you may be asking, why did i take a picture of what looks like Adam drinking a normal 32OZ from QT? Well because it's not ordinary drink, but rather a 32OZ of coke infused with the garlic sauce courtesy of Papa Johns. It tasted nasty by the way
Whoa blogging two days in a row! haha i'm trying to get into the groove of it. Anyways ya today was hump day for me, and what a hump it was. I woke up and did my normal routine. I gave John and ride and then i got my newspaper and read it til class started. We went over the homework and i open up my notebook and realized i grabbed my notebook from last semester (it is the same color as my notebook from this semester). So i ask the teacher if i can go to the bathroom, and i hightail it from the Engineering building to Cherry Garage and back before my teacher notices my prolonged absence. yup what a way to start my day. However i got my homeworks back and i did good on it. I then went to my Indv class and i got a 100 on my indv test with the bonus. SWEET!!! anyways after i got my grade i pretty much tuned out the prof and started doing the xwords with Tawni. After that i went to my theater class which lasted 15 minutes and i began slowly killing my time before bio class. Lets see i walked to my car and dropped off my notebooks, then went and got some water at Highland Market. From there i went to the ILC to goof around on the computer for a bit (Woot.com was having a woot off). Anyways after that i walked around somemore and decided to go to the TV lounge to watch some fear factor. I started to doze off and i could feel a dream coming on but Deeds called in the nick of time and i met her up at the Cactus Grill and had some subpar turkey. Anyways went to bio class for half of it and then left. I declined on an invitation to join Deeds and Me'shell to go to a students against cancer meeting and opted to take a nap while watching the Drew Carey show (productive....I know). I woke up around 7:30 and got pissed cuz i missed half of smallville. Good eps btw......After that i watched the suns game (we were up by 30 at halftime!) and then i started doing my lab. I took a break and got some dinner at Wing Stop, finished my lab, and now i'm chilling.
Random Things...
- Adam is no longer coming down this weekend cuz his mom guilted him into going to church on Sun. It's a mixed bag though cuz although it would have been cool to have adam, joel, and moses come down, i can focus on maybe trying to get ahead in school again. I can also not worry about "what if's" if emily has her party and the idea of having drunk adam, joel, and j-bot all heckling me about "you know who". Now all i have to worry about is J-Bot.
- A new plan which may arise this Sat is watching Bombay Dreams. They are having a preview Sat and sun but i can only watch it Sat cuz i work as an usher this week. Anywho it's only 17 dollars and looks interesting. So i have to figure out if Em is having her party then plan it accordingly.
- I was chatting it up with the Mase online and we were talking about cars. He's planning on getting his car soon and it looks like he'll be getting a WRX. It's probably the best choice considering where he lives where AWD is pretty much a must. Plus it is a very fast car and fun to drive.
- I almost forgot Shannon (Nana) is coming tomorrow. That'll be interesting, Frank cleaned the apt like a mofo and did his usual "threaten everyone if they make it dirty while she's here". haha....anyways ya.....hopefully i don't hear stuff like the first time she came over......:(
-I believe that's it for now......peace out!!
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