Realism of a Dream

Currently Feeling- Confused
Picture of the day- haha what can i say......a myspace picture indeed...haha
So like i promised here is my update from yesterday.....actually that was a couple weeks ago. But in my defense i've been concentrating hard on school. I think last time i wrote i said that i was adjusting to school and my new schedule......well i'm now well settled and i usually have a routine that i go through the week with.
Anyways i figure it would be too hard to try to write about everything that has happened since i last updated........if i were to try and do that i would only get frustrated and now blog at all. So instead i'll break my blog up into pieces....
1. Friends
For the most part i hang out with the girls and j-bot (or j-pop which ever you prefer haha). Always a blast hanging out with the girls. J-Bot is his usual sarcastic self which is always fun to hear. hmmm anything to note about them.......well since i am a genius at finding stuff online, the girls asked me to help them look for a solutions manual for ochem. So i found one and they ordered it....about a couple weeks later they get a piece of a box in the mail with a stamp saying that the box was tampered with.....haha so for the time being they are out 50 dollars but i'm helping them try to get their money back, or at least a new book.
Then there is the house (Paul, Tawni, Steph)..........don't hang out with them as much but normally i usually end up playing poker with Paul at the house. Tawni, we have Indv together but we haven't had much of an opportunity to hang out lately cuz either I'm busy or she's busy/or in phoenix. Steph seems to be always working, haha but i did sit with her and watched Judging Amy before she had to go to work once haha.
Anyways the other thing that i want to talk about concerning these two factions (haha) is that currently they aren't seeing eye to eye. I won't get into the complexities of the issues at hand (it is not my story to tell) but to say it has been taxing at times is an understatement. I believe i've alluded to it a couple times in my blog but have chosen to keep it out til now. I'm close friends to both sides, and because of that I've tried to remain impartial to the whole thing and both sides do know that. I will admit i've tried to subtly and not so subtly try to nudge both sides into an agreement but i have been unsuccesful and seeing the results so far, i think it's a fair assumption to make that there isn't going to be a resolution anytime soon. It's quite sad, and i will admit it's hard for me, cuz i do feel at times i have to manage my time between them. I suppose it'll be one of those things that i'll just have to adjust to.
Then there are the OG's and the roomies.....and other people who i haven't catagorized yet. The Mase is still in colorado, but he is coming down this weekend. Unfortunately i will not be in Phx because i may have a party that i need to go to. I talked to the Mase and i think he completely understands and would probably get upset at me if i didn't go....haha.......Then there is Fibbs......he works, I see him occasionally, he has a PSP.....that's all i can think of.....Then there is adam....good ole adam....still the same ole self, maybe a bad influence but always fun to be around and always gots my back....haha.....anyways he plans on maybe coming down this weekend. By the way if you want to read his short lived blog here is the address He has two, but i could never remember what the name of his other one is. But if anyone can find it, i'll gladly give them 5 dollars. The rest of the people, Moses, Joel, PAL, etc i will try to get to next time but i have to leave them out due to time restraints (hahaha)....
II. School
School is usually pretty negative but i can't gladly say that after my first set of tests, i'm happy (for the most part) with my grades. Math i got a decent B which i'll take (i should have gotten an A). Ochem I got a 70 which isn't great by any means but when the avg is a 58, can you really complain. Biology we just took our first test but i feel confident about it. I would say maybe a B+ or A-, but i'll find out next tuesday. Then there is Indv....let me just say that i'm shooting for a 100% on my test....i finished it real quick and anything less than hmmm a 92 then i'd be upset but on the flip side, we had a 10 pt bonus question that i should have gotten right. Then there is lab, so far it is going pretty well,mainly cuz i'm focused on the lab instead of a certain someone who isn't in my lab anymore :( Today's lab however sucked nuts, we were there for almost the entire time, and i fucked up the second half of the lab, but oh well...haha....after lab tonite, we went to Wendy's and they were trying to draw out information about my dream this morning (more about that later).
III Family (by the way, i just realized this, but nonetheless these sections aren't in particular order in the sense that my family isn't 3rd on my priorities......just had to say that).
Hmmm this is a toughie......Marianne i haven't talked to in forever and is still traveling the world just like shes always wanted. Baitos is still in HS, so shes going thru the drama usually associated with that...haha......My parents are my parents.....Hmmm that's all i'll say about family for now, gotta have something private i guess.....
and now for my personal favorite section of the blog
Random Things.....
- Well right now i'm driving the reVOLVOlution while the X is in phoenix. My parents finally finished paying it off, and we may finally see my car come out of it. I don't want to give any definates (because as all of you know, my parents love to "invest" in things other than my car). It's funny though cuz i had just about accepted the fact that the X was gonna be mine so i had plans on fixing it up and making it nicer..... So for the time being i'm driving the volv until who knows........(the longer i drive it, the better the chance of my car coming to fruition).
- Since i can't do that, i've also brought back the idea of upgrading my speaker system again. This time with the help of 400 dollars i'm getting from Sterling by renewing the lease. Anyways I really wanted the Athena Point 5 speaker system but i want to buy it at a store and refrain from online purchases. So instead i've decided to opt for the Polk r30 floorstanding speakers for the fronts ($80), then the surrounds will be polk r15's ($40).....the center channel will be the Polk CSM ($100)...finally the sub will be the last upgrade (and may be at a later date), it will be the Dayton 12' downfiring sub ($150). So assuming i do all of that were looking at a total of $370 minus tax
- I guess i should update on the girl front..........well i guess if i had to say if i was trying to hook up with a girl, it would still be alysha. The biggest problem is that i'm stuck in chem. By that i mean it's hard to build of a growing relationship with chem in the way. Hopefully that changes this weekend cuz my friend emily is throwing a housewarming party. Alysha should proabably be there but i don't know for sure. Anyways if i do go, it should be a barometer to where i am and if I want to keep trying to go for Alysha.
- Another thing i have figured out is that when i like a girl i seem to put her on a pedastool, and as a result, i act like a complete dork. Example of this could include Vicky, Monica, Jenn, etc. Anyways i bring this up because we all remember last semester when i liked Monica and offered her textbooks. And then the next time i saw her, i avoided her like the plague. Flash forward to this semester, i think of her as a friend and now i can talk to her comfortably whenever i see her and not get my tongue twisted into a pretzel. So if you have any ideas to alleviate this problem feel free to tell me.
- and with that i'll end with my dream.......ok first off, no i don't plan on telling anyone my dream (except for j-bot who i told after lab). Anyways it seemed so very real and that is what was scary. I woke up from it, and for a few minutes i thought what happened in my dream actually happened. Now the dream itself wasn't by any standards abnormal, it's pretty commonplace and i've had a few dreams here and there with the same stuff occuring. What was odd was the person involved, and the realism of it all. Like the enviroment, the mood, everything felt like it normally does and it lulled me into believing i was in real time, then it starts happening and then i wake up and i'm like "WTF?". Anyways i'm always one for analyzing dreams and i'm sure it would be easy to come up with one, but i doubt the obvioius is the answer........but then again my subconscience has a way of telling me things......but then again i've been having an array of weird dreams so maybe it's just my mindset in general that has my brain going crazy....haha
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