Song Of The Day- NERD - Maybe
Currently Feeling- Bad
Alright well now I've finally gotten a chance to blog, it seems I have a bit of updating to do. Well the trip to the Phillipines was a blast. I did a lot of island hopping, we stayed at numerous beach resorts, went rafting thru the waterfalls, spent time with family, etc. It was lot's of fun, I wish I would have blogged about it earlier but since so much time has past I can't give ya a detailed description of it. But it was one of my more memorable trips ever I just wish more cousins from the US could have come.
Now since I've come back I've been doing a combination of hanging out with friends and college preparation. The first day I came back I got a hold of everyone who i got gifts for and hung out for a little bit. Among the more memorable gifts were Adam's rice patty hat, Franks big ass cigar, Steph's big barrel boy statue, and Jason's gift (which will be given by Steph and your parents Jase). Anyways after that I went to Tucson to hang out with Tawni and give her her gift. I got her this ship made out of seashells, and I got her this pillow that resembles a reces peanut butter cup wrapper. Since then I've also hung out with Mike, Ryan, Chad, etc.
We hung out at Chad's house with Ryan, Travis, and Corey. We listened to music and even went thru the whole album of Willenium. Heh that's some funny shit, I reccomend listening to "freakin' it".
Chad threw a party at his house and they made this jungle juice stuff, really good made out of everclear. I drank about 6 and I was really buzzing but it faded after a couple hours and I was back to my normal self. The party was quite fun but it did have some unexpected happenings. Heh that night I had a heart to heart with Paul, Tawni, and Ryan. All went well except for maybe Ryan but only cuz he was real drunk. Anyways what started out as a cool night kinda turned downhill but it was still fun. Shaun was out cold and they had written all over his face and when he woke up his drool had smeared all the markings......Steph was also pretty drunk and she's quite different when sober. Paul was quite different too, yeah Steph got a little worried about Paul cuz he kept invading her personal bubble.
Anyways since then Adam has left to Canada which he will return Sun, Frank and Mike left to Cali which they came back Fri, Vicky left to San Diego but were supposed to hang out when she comes back, and Joel had come back last Sun.
Joel and me watched The Village and let me tell you I thought that movie sucked, we then went to the new house which I will now call the "ranch". Anyways he helped me take out the trash. The next day we went and played pool.
Barb started school on Mon and I have had to pick her up numerous times already. She has some weird sleeping habit now although I don't know how long it will last.
I started talking to my roomate. His name is Jason Adam Boral....kinda funny huh....anyways he sounds pretty cool from the time that I've talked to him on the phone. He seems like he'll be a cool roomate who isn't a dork but at the same time isn't a party animal. It should be interesting times coming.......
A couple days ago I talked to Ryan about stuff. You know it wasn't my best heart to heart because it was over the phone and also at times it was would cut in and cut out but I think I got my point across. He just called today and he thanked me for talking to him but he brought up something which he misinterpreted. Yeah I apologized cuz I see exactly where he was coming from but I was trying to rush cuz it seemed he had to get off the phone and I just misworded it and he didn't catch the whole meaning of it but I do apologize. However now I feel bad about it. Damn that sux for me.
Random Things...
Sorry for this blog being all over the place, I just need to get back into things. Jase finally has his comp so I know he'll check it out sooner or later so I'll say what's up bro and give me a call sometime. Good luck in the AF and I know you know this already but Steph really misses you and loves you. I miss and love you too buddy but in a non sexual or gay way.