So Tired

Picture of the Day - Steph (left), me (middle), and Tawnicita (right) on my birthday

Song of the Day - Petey Pablo - Vibrate
Well yeah last night was just so damn tiring. Mon was my full schedule day. Bio was normal although a little tiring, after that Tawni, Steph, my roomate, and I chilled in my dorm til they had class. Then Paul came over and chilled here and did his homework. I then met up with the girls for lunch then went to Spanish which was ok. We took this quiz that was easy but I was rushing through it so I didn't do too well. After that I chilled in my room for a while before taking off to English. It turned out that I had to write an essay but luckily she didn't collect it. Yeah there is this girl who I think is real hot but she seems like a snob so yeah. I was also pissed cuz we had to do this group discussion thing with two other people and they didn't really help me out so I had to pull some major bs out of my ass which luckily the teacher liked. I then went to my room and watched everyone play halo before going to chem. I was trying so hard in chem to not go to sleep but at the same time I didn't learn anything so yeah. Then Brad, Frank, and me went to the Union to get some food then we chilled at my dorm watching TV and doing some homework. Yeah the chem homework was easy at first but I ended up not even finishing it. After that I just chilled and went to sleep.
Today I went to Chem lab and I like my chem class so far student wise. I'm not digging this whole sig fig thing. I got to pimp it out though with my white lab coat and goggles. After that I had lunch with Ryan and Frank and then I met up with Doug (kid in my dorm who is in my spanish class). Spanish was ok, I talked to Doug on the way back and he may come with me back to Phoenix if I come back this weekend. Now I gotta do some homework so I can take a nap before my *optional* bio and chem discussion groups.
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