Thursday, August 31, 2006

The first couple weeks of school, a lackluster birthday, a fun birthday party that only lasted 2 hours but i was too drunk to care

Song Of The Day- Savage Garden - I knew I loved You
Currently Feeling- Neutral
This Day In History - 3years ago - I was feeling mighty sick, but i hung out with Adam, Dustman, and the Mase anyways. I also paid a visit to Cousins. 2yrs ago - Very reminiscent post because it was from the first week of college. Man it seems so long ago now and how things have changed.

Well I'm a little early on my post but i have a good amount of energy and I don't want to do homework right now. So lets see last time i blogged was last Monday, so with that i'll continue on since Tuesday. Let it be known that my recollection is very spotty at best, so i may have a few events switched around. So please bare with........

Anyways the second day of school, consisted of my second half of classes. I have analytical chemistry with my old Gen chem teacher. Haha unfortunatly, i don't have much recollection of him because i barely went to class (i blame that on Frank and Smallville....haha). Anyways I have the class with Alysha, Adam, J-Bot, Me'shell, and Neal. I don't remember if i ever mentioned him in my blog but he was my lab partner in one of my bio classes. He's a pretty cool kid who reminds me a lot of the Mase. I dunno, they are very similar....haha.....anyways the class is kinda hard to tell how it's going to go because so far we've learned pretty basic stuff. I also think that i lot we learn in lecture won't correspond to the test. But i could be wrong, because i've gone through the first two weeks of school. Anyways after that i have a thirty minute break before Physics. I have that class with pretty much my old Ochem class haha...that includes Ms. Deeds, Me'shell, J-bot, Tara, Sarah, Emily, Melissa, and Angie. This class scares me.....reason being, it's very i've never gotten along with application problems......After that i have an hour break and what i normally do is either have lunch with Emily or just chill by myself. After that hour is done, the next thing on my list is Microbiology far it's pretty simple, I mean all we have done is look through microscopes and gram stain bacteria. Haha ya my second time going to that class, i ended up in the wrong classroom for 30 minutes and when i finally came back to the right room, i had no idea of what i was doing..........The last class of my Tues/Thurs is Analytical Chemistry lab....this essentially is what replaced Ochem lab. I don't think it'll be as intricate as Ochem in terms of what we have to do in lab. However, we are graded on accuracy, so that could bite me in my ass. I have that class with Me'shell, J-bot, and Neal. Trahern was in my class but he ended up dropping because he was uber busy.

On Weds, it's the same as Mon (look at the last post) except add in Physics class. I've only had one class of it, but it seems pretty generic. My teacher looks like a bum (literally) but he seems chilled and laid back. So the next thing i could talk about is, is there anyone interesting in my class.....and by that i mean, do i think anyone in my classes are cute/hot. Well biochem is a large lecture class so there are a good amount. But no, no one that stands in my mind. My micro class is also a lecture class, but there was actually this girl who definately got my attention. Like i think the first day, she sat in front of me and i thought she was cute but didn't think much of it. But the second class I was chilling before class and i saw her and i couldn't stop the funny thing was that she saw me haha.....anyways she's brunette, not short though......u wouldn't be surprised that i liked her if you were to see her. Then in Achem, of course there is Alysha, but things have definately stalled since school started. I swear that girl is always busy (i hope so or else that means that she's just making excuses not to hang out with me haha :( ) There is also another girl in my ochem class. Not surprising, she's a brunette, not short again, she's quite thin i might add. I dunno, for me it's quite easy to tell who i would think is cute. Pretty much any brunette with a nice complextion is usually up my alley haha........

Anyways, the next school topic i'd like to mention is the mass amount of craziness that has been going on homework wise. It feels all chaotic because I've have so much hw (labs) plus reading since i want to be on top of the ball. It's been a very stressful couple of weeks, but i finally got a repreval after class today (at least for a day, then it's back to homework). The worst was yesterday because I had the worst allergies since who knows when. I was supposed to go to the chem club meeting, but i decided that the labs came first. So i worked on my homework and then ate a 1/3 of ice cream....i felt so nasty.....anyways i worked until 10 and then i got Mcdonalds.......oooo uber nasty........I then went to sleep at 11:30 and ended up waking up at 4 to do more homework.

hmmm......i guess the next topic would be my was on Weds but i had to work on my lab (and everyone else was uber busy as well).......anyways i wouldn't think so but i think i was a bit off because of the really lackluster b-day (i had KFC for my b-day haha). There are also a lot of elements that would explain me being disappointed for my b-day. But they are things that i don't want to talk about so i'll leave it as that . However with that said, I did get a surprise b-day party when i came back to Tucson it was funny cuz I didn't really think too much about it and i was actually about to not go. Emily had called me earlier in the day saying she was having a kickback tonight and asked me to come. I told her that i would probably drop by (because my original plan was to just do homework). Also there was a brief period of time where i thought i was actually gonna stay in Phx and extra day. When i got home, i got an IM from Me'shell who seemed to rush into offering her DD assistance. I wans't in a good mood so i took her up on her offer and took 2 shots of 151 and 2 shots of the parrot bay before they got there. When we got there, everyone shouted their surprise. It was a batman themed party and it was really cool. I appreciated it a lot.....I accidentally broke Emily's light when i was hitting the pinata but she said it was cool. The party itself only lasted about 2 and a half hours because Emily and Brandon got into a bit of a spat. Plus i was pretty hammered so it didn't bother me.

Hmmm i think that's all i want to write about for tell you the truth, since school started, things just haven't been good for me, in a lot of different aspects. Some things can't be helped and some things are because of the ever-noticable flaws that have been standing out in my head a lot lately. I realize we all have our flaws, and i know what a lot of mine are and I accept them and do my best to adjust but for some reason they seem to be magnifying right now.

Oh yah one more thing, i put in my order for a pair of floorstanding speakers (although i really don't have the room). I also got my replacement keyboard. It's not the same as my original one, but i enjoy it better. It has more functionality and easier to use when compared to my old stuff it worked and i really liked it but some of the stuff was kinda gimmicky and i only used those features for a little bit. Anyways hope you enjoyed the post and comment on the side of the blog or else i have to resubscribe to it and it's quite tedious.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Sorry about the lack of will come soon after Fri at 6 :)

Monday, August 21, 2006

Let the Rat Race Begin

Song Of The Day- Alicia Keys - Wild Horses
Currently Feeling- Tired
This Day in History - 4 years ago - my blog was four years old. Marianne was off at college and I noted how things were changing pretty drastically. 3 years ago - I was scared cuz i had to take a shot. Also i had to take a physical and while doing it, my uncle and dad were making me bust up's a pretty funny read. 21 years ago - Paulbert and Franklin Fibbs were born......happy b-day fools

Ahhh well the school year has once again begun and my long awaited blog i said was coming soon is here. As is the case when i don't blog in a while, a lot has gone on but its hard to recite it all accurately and what not. So I've opted to just name some stuff that went on during the brief break from blogging at the end after i recap the first day back at the UofA.

Today I woke up at 6:45 but was able to squeeze out some more sleep time until 7:30. I then took a shower, and talked to Frank for a bit before i took off for school. The original plan was to leave at 8, so that i could update my parking sticker and not risk getting a parking ticket. Unfortunately I forgot to take into account traffic, and by the time i got to campus, i felt like i would be cutting it too close to try to do all that and get to class. So instead i headed towards Bio Sci E 100 for my biochem class. I sat down and was soon joined by this guy from one of my old bio lab classes. Cool kid but i can't remember his name for the life of me. Soon after the kid sat down, J-Bot also joined in for the festivities. Class itself was pretty uneventful but there were alot of people in the class including a good amount of cute girls (IMO). After class, J-Bot and me did the whole parking pass thing and then we went to Harvill 150 for Microbio. Once again, it was really similar to the events of Biochem: nothing eventful, class was filled, etc. After that my plan was to go eat lunch with the girls but when i went upstairs it was packed that i decided i didn't want to deal with it and instead just headed home. O on my way up to the cactus grill i bumped into Alysha, only talked to her for a sec though. Anyways i went home and grubbed out and then tried to sleep but i got a long chain of phone calls so i ended up just watching tv. Now i'm blogging and debating on if i wanna go out to dinner or just continue eating hot dogs and cheese.

Random Things.......

- Well since i last blogged a lot of stuff has happened, unfortunately a good amount of things i can't really say. But of course I've had to stroke some egos (my own included) and play mediator.

- During the last week of summer vacation, Adam and me cooked up the master plan. He came down to Tucson on Weds, then Adam, J-bot, and me drove up to Phx, then on Fri we went back to Tucson, with Adam driving back up to Phx Sat. On Weds, we really only ended up playing a crapload of madden. Thurs i spend having dinner with the family, then Fri was the "kickback" at my place.....which was kinda a wash......but i didn't care i was trashed by the end of the night......

- Sat was an even odder night. That night was of course the Houses party as well as the girls were throwing a kickback of their own. Because of the drinking last nite, I didn't want to drink. I went over to the house at around 8 and stayed til around 11, kicking it with the various people that were there. Then i headed over to the girls place for an hour to go hang out with them. I then took Clarice and myself back to the house and hung out there for an hour, before once again heading over to the girls apt. Haha i didn't stay too long at the girls apt the second time because they looked pretty cashed out, but i ended up talking to J-Bot and Adam "Pants" for a while outside before calling it a night. Overall it was a fun night, but i was pretty upset over some things.

- Because of the break in blogging, I was also not able to document the rise, fall, rise, and now looking like fall of situations involving a certain someone. I guess there still isn't real closure and if given the opportunity, I will try to get closure whether it's positive or negative for me.

- I will kill my post there

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Sorry for the lack of blog updates i'll try to do one tonight

Thursday, August 03, 2006

A Midnight's Summer Drive

Song Of The Day- Ne-Yo - Get Down Like That Remix
Currently Feeling- Normal
Picture of the Day - I don't know why i chose this picture, I guess i just thought it was funny and brought back some nostalgic feelings about the first year in college.

Well I'm finally back in Phx, a couple days late but that's alright. I ended up leaving at ten o'clock last night though haha. The reason for me leaving so late is because the new receiver came in. O man i was so excited! It came in and i spent a good while hooking it up. After i hooked it up I took advantage of it's built in mp3 decoding processor and it sounded tons better. It should sound even better once i get the mp3 digital box up and running. The receiver itself is THX certified (although that probably doesn't mean anything to anyone reading this). So far, i haven't calibrated it because the mic i bought on ebay didn't fit and the person has a no return policy so i have to eat 12 bucks. So now i'm kind of debating where or not i want to eat an additional 36 dollars for the pioneer mic as well as 64 bucks for the remote. I don't think i'll get the remote considering i can walk up to it and change it but i think i will get the mic because the calibrations would be nice. Anyways i went up to the office to drop off Frank's check. Then i chilled before watching V for Vendetta with J-Bot. Sounded very good, a huge improvement in my opinion over my old receiver. However i found myself changing the volume during the movie which would be due to the lack of calibrations i made. After that i hurried to pack up, then i went to dinner with Tawni at Wingstop. After that I sped off to Phx. I talked to the Mase before i got on the freeway, and he seemed irritated because i said i'd be back Mon/Tues and ended up coming back Weds late night. Anyways I made very good time, probably avg out around 92-97 due to lack of traffic.

The plan today is go have lunch with Jase the Mase, then hang out him or Moses. I also want to clean the house if i have free time. I also got to clear off my bed because Adam (ochem) is going to crash at my place for the wedding.

Random Things.....

- I enjoy long drives at night because I can speed without worrying about traffic plus i get a lot of thinking time. This time was no exception. I talked to Adam Sneaky for awhile and he noticed the same thing that i noticed with Jase and Steph. I also talked to him about my recent (well not so recent) problems, and he seemed to reiterate the advice others have given me. So after i hung up the phone with him. I thought about it and I've gotten it down to two main choices. And I think i've decided to do the thing that seems to be the best thing to do. It's funny cuz i made a similar move back when i really liked Tawni and tried to get over her. Plan JA is what i called it and there was a lot written in the archives 05/03. Haha ya, very familiar. Maybe i'll outline it in my next post.

-The other rant i wanted to go on was about speakers but i'll get to that next time too cuz i'm hungry

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Nightmares and Dreamscapes By James Go

Song Of The Day- Ne-Yo - Sexy Love
Currently Feeling- Fuzzy
Picture of the Day- This picture was taken in March when i upgraded my speakers from my onkyo HTiB to the Athena Point 5 system. I remember back then i was happy with the increase in size of the center speaker. Flash forward to yesterday when my new center speaker came in. It is huge! I opened the box and i first thought that they sent me something else because it was a lot wider than center speakers are normally (at least as far as i've seen). I'll post pictures of it as soon as i remember to get my camera out of my car.

Well my memory of the last couple days are blurry so I'll only update about yesterday. Before i do, HAPPY BIRTHDAY CLARICE MEH-BOB!! (July 31st). I felt so bad because Sunday she was having a birthday dinner but i was so tired and just wanted to lay in bed so i didn't go. Then Mondayi was running so much errands that i was late for dinner at my apt, and then it completely slipped my mind that it was Clarice's b-day. So for that I apologize :(

As for yesterday, it was pretty basic. I hung around all day at the apartment waiting for my packages to get here. They finally came and i got my new center speaker as well as my mp3 digital decoder. The latter package i think needs a little explanation. Essentially it's a digital box that you connect to the computer by USB and then you connect the other end of the box to a coaxial digital connection. It then sends the mp3 along the usb to the box which then transcribes it into a PCM file and sends it down to the receiver and thus you have digital music. The thing was released about 2-3 years ago at around $150 and had good reviews but the problem was that it was buggy and could only work for WMP. So i was able to get it today for 12 dollars shipped. So its not a big investment at all with low cost to high reward. Plus i figure i can mess with the firmware a little to try to get it to work with iTunes or my person player, Mediamonkey.
Anyways i'm going off on a tangent, I set up the speaker and was very happy with it although you can tell it was used. I couldn't try the digital converter because i lost my subwoofer cable i was going to use for the coaxial cable. So I'm going to have to make a trip to Radio Shack. Anyways after i finished that, i watched Star Wars Ep I for an hour before going over to the house to help tawni make a "love" cd. We burnt it and then i hung out there for awhile because she was going to make me go to dinner with her and ex-boyfriend Adam the Jew. Note that this was at 6 and i haven't eaten all day long so i was a bit hungry. I think Adam got offended though that i was gonna go and we didn't hear from him and it was almost 9. So by then i was starving. So we decided to just go ahead and get some iHOP. I ate a grip!
Anyways after that we went to Blockbuster and I bought the new V for Vendetta movie and then we went back to the house. Now the original plan was that after dinner we were going to drink and watch the movie and crash there because Tawni wasn't in the best of moods and wanted to drink. However, her day ended good and her desire to drink subsided so we ended up not drinking. Then when we got there i knew she wasn't going to watch V for Vendetta because it would probably end up like when we tried to watch Garden State, and she would get a phone call and then she would miss 2/3rds of the movie haha. So we chilled and i watched South Park while she updated Roberts myspace. HAHA the brown note.........After that i took off and played some DQ8 before crashing out.

Today I'm not exactly sure of the plans. Depending on when Tawni gets up and works, we may watch V for Vendetta. If not I plan on chilling for a bit before heading back to Phx to hang out with the Mase before he goes back to Colorado. Also Conesto is back from San Jose, so i'll hang out with him as well. Also I got a myspace message from Ian and some things came up when we were supposed to hang out so i'm gonna try to hang out with him.

Random Things......

- Ok so the title of the post is in reference to the show that is on TNT or TBS called "Nightmares and Dreamscapes by Steven King". Anyways last night i had a series of 4 dreams that somehow connected themselves into 1 long dream. I woke up i wrote it down. If there's any indication of what's going on in my head, it's my weird ass dreams (sometimes if you can interpret Post apocalyptic Robot Dream haha). Anyways there are 2 things that i'm going to dance around talking about in my dream because it involves things that i don't want to say. Ok here ya go.

Dream 1
We were on 4th Ave hanging out. It was the girls, Adam, mystery guy (who in my dream i knew, but don't know in real life), Alysha, Emily, J-Bot, and me. If i remember correctly something was going down on 4th Ave. I'd like to say a carnival but not sure. Anyways J-Bot and me, ended up taking a detour and drinking before rejoining the group. I think the reason for that was to loosen me up or something. Anyways we were all just chilling and going on rides and what not. We all then stopped and ate at the Grill on Congress. And that was the end of the first dream.
Interpretation of the first dream: This dream is directly connected to the 2nd dream so i think it plays on more of a precursor than anything else.

Dream 2
Ok so we decide to go back to my apt to hang out. The girls and mystery guy are chilling on the couch, while Alysha, Emily, and J-bot are in the patio. As for me, I'm rotating back and forth trying to get in much face time with everyone evenly. I then observe something (obviously something i don't like) which propels me to take out none other than the 151. I start drinking massively and then i start getting talkative but i'm still drunkily observing what i was earlier. Anyways Emily leaves and i start talking to Alysha before everyone else leaves and thus ends dream 2.
Interpretation of the second dream: This one is easy to interpret. The rotating back and forth is characteristic of myself because it's something i always do when i feel someone is kind of being neglected or whatever. The observation is one of things that i won't discuss here, and the alcohol is the result of those observations. The 151 i think is also a tell because for the most part, I tend to drink it only when there is something i'm trying to "block out" so to speak.

Dream 3
The next dream involved my dad and me at blockbuster. We were using the blockbuster pass and what not. And then we left the store. We were having a conversation about something that doesn't belong in this blog.
Interpretation of the third dream: Precursor to the 4th dream plus the conversation is something important but won't discuss here.

Dream 4
Lol ok this dream involved us getting back into the volvo but we discovered that all the tired wer replaced with doughnuts. I saw a car speed off and somehow i was able get the liscense plate. We called the cops and like a couple minutes later this other white v70 (the s60 wagon) comes back with cops behind her. Out comes this MILF looking lady who stole our tires. The cops place it back on but we decide not to press charges against the lady.
Interpretation of the 4th dream: lol my only guess is the volvo's maintanance light is on. Otherwise it's just random......

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

New Look, Same Quandaries

Song Of The Day- Frankie J - That Girl
Currently Feeling- Normal
This Day In History- 3 yrs ago- I was driving to Cali, and i decided to stay in Temecula and hang out with my cousins instead of going to San Fran.

Well i was kind of bored so I decided to change the look of the blog. Thus is the reason for the new blog template.

Anyways I'm going to deviate from my normal pattern of going systematically through the past couple days briefly describing what i did and thunk. Instead I'm going to jump right into what is on my mind because i am pretty bothered by it. First off, once again i have to thank El Steph for putting this all back into the spotlight for me. This is the second time she's done that (1st being back when i was drinking at the house with her and Paul See July 11th). Anyways she brought it up at Applebees and kept urging me to "go for it". Anyways, in what should be unsurprising to all of you guys, i shot it down with haste. However, just because i say something, doesn't always represent what i want. And thus is the problem because i'm pretty sure i already know the ending to it, if i decide to "go for it", and the results don't go in my favor. At the same time, doing nothing isn't a win-all either because its really starting to eat at me. That's the good thing about school, i can reoccupy my thoughts with school and hopefully focus my attention on another girl haha. But alas i just realized i haven't really said anything new. I've spouted this in one way or another to most of you guys in some fashion. I just thought it was going to make me feel better........and it has somewhat done it's job so i'll stop there and i'll try to update later (a normal update at that)