A Midnight's Summer Drive

Song Of The Day- Ne-Yo - Get Down Like That Remix
Currently Feeling- Normal
Picture of the Day - I don't know why i chose this picture, I guess i just thought it was funny and brought back some nostalgic feelings about the first year in college.
Well I'm finally back in Phx, a couple days late but that's alright. I ended up leaving at ten o'clock last night though haha. The reason for me leaving so late is because the new receiver came in. O man i was so excited! It came in and i spent a good while hooking it up. After i hooked it up I took advantage of it's built in mp3 decoding processor and it sounded tons better. It should sound even better once i get the mp3 digital box up and running. The receiver itself is THX certified (although that probably doesn't mean anything to anyone reading this). So far, i haven't calibrated it because the mic i bought on ebay didn't fit and the person has a no return policy so i have to eat 12 bucks. So now i'm kind of debating where or not i want to eat an additional 36 dollars for the pioneer mic as well as 64 bucks for the remote. I don't think i'll get the remote considering i can walk up to it and change it but i think i will get the mic because the calibrations would be nice. Anyways i went up to the office to drop off Frank's check. Then i chilled before watching V for Vendetta with J-Bot. Sounded very good, a huge improvement in my opinion over my old receiver. However i found myself changing the volume during the movie which would be due to the lack of calibrations i made. After that i hurried to pack up, then i went to dinner with Tawni at Wingstop. After that I sped off to Phx. I talked to the Mase before i got on the freeway, and he seemed irritated because i said i'd be back Mon/Tues and ended up coming back Weds late night. Anyways I made very good time, probably avg out around 92-97 due to lack of traffic.
The plan today is go have lunch with Jase the Mase, then hang out him or Moses. I also want to clean the house if i have free time. I also got to clear off my bed because Adam (ochem) is going to crash at my place for the wedding.
Random Things.....
- I enjoy long drives at night because I can speed without worrying about traffic plus i get a lot of thinking time. This time was no exception. I talked to Adam Sneaky for awhile and he noticed the same thing that i noticed with Jase and Steph. I also talked to him about my recent (well not so recent) problems, and he seemed to reiterate the advice others have given me. So after i hung up the phone with him. I thought about it and I've gotten it down to two main choices. And I think i've decided to do the thing that seems to be the best thing to do. It's funny cuz i made a similar move back when i really liked Tawni and tried to get over her. Plan JA is what i called it and there was a lot written in the archives 05/03. Haha ya, very familiar. Maybe i'll outline it in my next post.
-The other rant i wanted to go on was about speakers but i'll get to that next time too cuz i'm hungry
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