Monday, August 21, 2006

Let the Rat Race Begin

Song Of The Day- Alicia Keys - Wild Horses
Currently Feeling- Tired
This Day in History - 4 years ago - my blog was four years old. Marianne was off at college and I noted how things were changing pretty drastically. 3 years ago - I was scared cuz i had to take a shot. Also i had to take a physical and while doing it, my uncle and dad were making me bust up's a pretty funny read. 21 years ago - Paulbert and Franklin Fibbs were born......happy b-day fools

Ahhh well the school year has once again begun and my long awaited blog i said was coming soon is here. As is the case when i don't blog in a while, a lot has gone on but its hard to recite it all accurately and what not. So I've opted to just name some stuff that went on during the brief break from blogging at the end after i recap the first day back at the UofA.

Today I woke up at 6:45 but was able to squeeze out some more sleep time until 7:30. I then took a shower, and talked to Frank for a bit before i took off for school. The original plan was to leave at 8, so that i could update my parking sticker and not risk getting a parking ticket. Unfortunately I forgot to take into account traffic, and by the time i got to campus, i felt like i would be cutting it too close to try to do all that and get to class. So instead i headed towards Bio Sci E 100 for my biochem class. I sat down and was soon joined by this guy from one of my old bio lab classes. Cool kid but i can't remember his name for the life of me. Soon after the kid sat down, J-Bot also joined in for the festivities. Class itself was pretty uneventful but there were alot of people in the class including a good amount of cute girls (IMO). After class, J-Bot and me did the whole parking pass thing and then we went to Harvill 150 for Microbio. Once again, it was really similar to the events of Biochem: nothing eventful, class was filled, etc. After that my plan was to go eat lunch with the girls but when i went upstairs it was packed that i decided i didn't want to deal with it and instead just headed home. O on my way up to the cactus grill i bumped into Alysha, only talked to her for a sec though. Anyways i went home and grubbed out and then tried to sleep but i got a long chain of phone calls so i ended up just watching tv. Now i'm blogging and debating on if i wanna go out to dinner or just continue eating hot dogs and cheese.

Random Things.......

- Well since i last blogged a lot of stuff has happened, unfortunately a good amount of things i can't really say. But of course I've had to stroke some egos (my own included) and play mediator.

- During the last week of summer vacation, Adam and me cooked up the master plan. He came down to Tucson on Weds, then Adam, J-bot, and me drove up to Phx, then on Fri we went back to Tucson, with Adam driving back up to Phx Sat. On Weds, we really only ended up playing a crapload of madden. Thurs i spend having dinner with the family, then Fri was the "kickback" at my place.....which was kinda a wash......but i didn't care i was trashed by the end of the night......

- Sat was an even odder night. That night was of course the Houses party as well as the girls were throwing a kickback of their own. Because of the drinking last nite, I didn't want to drink. I went over to the house at around 8 and stayed til around 11, kicking it with the various people that were there. Then i headed over to the girls place for an hour to go hang out with them. I then took Clarice and myself back to the house and hung out there for an hour, before once again heading over to the girls apt. Haha i didn't stay too long at the girls apt the second time because they looked pretty cashed out, but i ended up talking to J-Bot and Adam "Pants" for a while outside before calling it a night. Overall it was a fun night, but i was pretty upset over some things.

- Because of the break in blogging, I was also not able to document the rise, fall, rise, and now looking like fall of situations involving a certain someone. I guess there still isn't real closure and if given the opportunity, I will try to get closure whether it's positive or negative for me.

- I will kill my post there


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