Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Action is Required

Currently Feeling- Refreshed
Picture of the Day - Damn! who's that cute devil....haha anyways this was on me on St. Patty's day (oddly enough, that night i ended up changing and not wearing green)
Well it seems like right after coming back from spring break, i've been thrusted into a chaotic part of my school semester. Well i can't completely blame it on school, some of the chaos is my own doing. But we'll get to that later.
Anyways lets start with Monday.......o Monday, it started out so nicely too, little did i know the day would end up........well let me explain. I was in my ochem class early and on Mondays I normally eat lunch with Deeds and Shells which means on Monday I have to kill an hour of time between 12-1. So i left my ochem class before it started to grab a newspaper so that i could read it during the break. As i got outside i bumped into Emily so i started talking to her about her St. Patty's Day party and how she got red tagged. Alysha then came up and joined in on our conversation. She then asked where i was heading and i told her about the whole killing time before lunch by reading the newspaper and then she said she would join us for lunch. So ya i went on my way to getting my newspaper and i was pretty excited. So class then comes and goes and i start killing time by reading the paper on the grassy knoll (haha one of my more favorite spots to chill on campus) when i get a call from alysha. She called to say that her class got cancelled and that she was going to eat lunch now. There was then about a couple secs of silence (which seemed to last forever) then i finally said "Oh that's cool..." and she said "What?" and I unfortunately repeated what i said. She then said "ya it is" and then i finally ended it by saying "ok well have a fun lunch".........Once i told people what a tard i was, everyone was throwing around a joke. Even El Steph got thought she was a comedian and left me a prank voicemail (which was pretty humorous btw).
Anyways the rest of the day (and some of Tuesday), i was kicking myself over my stupidity. I wanted to say "can i join you" or "would u like some company" but instead I said "O that's cool".......I even called the girls to see if she called them and she definately didn't. Anyways I did meet up with the girls for lunch and they proceeded to rip me a new one about the whole chain of events. After lunch i went back home, and chilled and did a little studying. I then watched the new ep of HIMYM and Prison Break. Aditi then called to remind me to call Alysha about if she wanted to go to the party on Fri......So the plan was that i was going to call her about the party and also if she wanted to eat lunch tomorrow. So i call her and lets just say i couldn't have called her at a worse time. Anyways shes going to Lake Havasu on Fri so that was a no go and i didn't get a chance to ask her if she wanted to eat lunch tomorrow.
Tuesday I decided to sleep past my first class and then i turned in my paper for indv. I went to Theatre and then i went over to the chem building but they cancelled discussions. So i called the girls and met them up at the museum and played hackeysack with Deeds, Shells, Adam, and Tara. After that Tara, Deeds, and I headed over to the ILC to study (at least they did, i created TolueneMan)......I then went to bio and then i headed off back home to finish my labs and study for my ochem lab midterm. Aditi was then able to convince me to watch V for that movie was really good although the ending seemed to have confused aditi haha......
Weds i went to ochem then went home and finished up my labs before actually going to lab. Ya the midterm didn't turn out too well, there were a few questions i was like "????" anyways i didn't do a lab after that and just went home to study for my indv test.
Today was kinda bad in terms of me going to school. I went to math and then i took my indv test. It seemed kinda easy i hopefully did well cuz i had the 8ball with me. Anyways i just went home and took a long nap.
Random Things....
- Tonight i'm watching Philadelphia Story at 7:30
- Amare Stoudamire is coming back tonite......yes!!!
- I know it seems like i'm rushing thru my blog now but i'm getting antsy....
- The title of the post is "action is required" because i feel like i need to do something to show Alysha i like her and i'm interested in her........Assuming she does like me, she's been doing showing all the effort and i'm worried that she'll give up on me...
A blog updating coming tomorrow
Sorry for the lack of updates......i feel swamped and its the first week back from spring break.
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Mickey Mickey Your So Fine....

Currently Feeling- A Little Worried
Picture of the Day - With all this talk of the puppy, i can't forget about Mr. Captain Mallow. This was him during spring break with his floppy ears.
Ahhh school is tomorrow yet again meaning spring break is over. It was a fun spring break though (for the most part). After Prescott, i pretty much relaxed. I bought some clothes and then on St. Patty's day i went with Moi to watch NightWatch on Mill Ave. I've hung out there before at night, but everytime i go i realize how crappy our University Ave is here. Anyways the movie was pretty good. I didn't know alot about it coming into it other than people considered it Harry Potter for adults and Matrix-like (not special effects wise but story wise). Anyways the one thing i didn't check up on was the fact it was subtitled. I dont' mind subtitles and for this particular movie i liked it, but the reason why i bring this up is because the guy sitting in front of me kept moving his head and putting his arm up so i had to constantly move my neck around to read the subtitles. At the end of the movie, my neck was hurting like a fiend. Anyways after that we walked back to the car amongst the sea of green.

Today was me half assing my paper all day. It really shouldn't have taken me half the time i ended up taking. But in my defense they were playing the Prison Break marathon along with the UofA game which we lost to Villanova. Then Mickey decided to use my room as his personal bathroom...that was fun.....i then went to Wing Stop and got some wings. I dunno if this is a stretch or not but i think the girl who works there likes me. I say it cuz the first time i went in there and she was working, she gave me more chicken wings then i paid for. I think that's the only time i've been there and she's worked. But tonite i came in and she knew my name.......o well.....
Random Things....
- Tomorrow i just have ochem, so the plan is class, lunch, homework
- my mood is a little worried because i have a bad feeling about the party. I'll discuss it later though.
- Another odd thing to spring break was that I messaged Leah on myspace during spring break. Why I messaged not for the reason some of you might expect....
Thursday, March 16, 2006

Currently Feeling- Tired
Picture of the Day - This is the front of the house, you can't see it but somewhere hidden in the snow is a handle of Mississippi Mud......
Well I just got back from Prescott from the guys and i'll say now, i had a really fun time. As you have noticed, there is no picture of the day, rather for this post i'll run pictures that'll relate to my blog as I write.

Random Things....
- The original plan was for me to go back to Tucson tomorrow but I decided it would be best to stay til Sat.
- The trip was real first i was a little worried because i feared that someone would get on someones nerves, but alas everyone was chill....
- They said i look like Chester the Cat? from Alice in Wonderland, just when i smile or laugh...
Saturday, March 11, 2006
Spring Break is Here and Off to a Fabulous Start

Currently Feeling- Happy
Picture of the Day - This was a picture of Me'shell when i met up with her for lunch after class. This was also before we went on a trip looking for drawings of bread fish.
Well all the blood and sweat has been spilt but alas here we are the the start of spring break. It wasn't easy getting to this point, and at times it seemed like time was at a standstill. This can be mainly attributed to the 3 test week i had to get past before the break. I did not have to face them alone though, as i had my trusty Magic 8-Ball to give me the needed luck. Anyways my first test was my Calc test. This test was the one i failed last semester so it was a big mental hurdle to get over. I got my grade back and scored an A on that mofo. With that grade i look to be in place for an A in that class. My 2nd test was Theatre appreciation which quite honestly i barely studied for. I took it to lightly and got a B+ on which i'm happy with. I'm still easily in line for an A as long as i don't bomb anything. My final test and the test i was most worried about was the Ochem test. It also coincidentally was the test i did worst in as i scored a 77 on it, which was still above the class avg by almost 10. With that said, i still have my eyes set on an A in that class but i need to set a score in the 90's to but myself in that position. In order to accomplish that goal, I've set a new goal......beat Deeds on an Ochem test......I figured that my brain is hardwired for competition. It works best when i have a benchmark. So yes my goal is now officially to beat Aditi.
So that in essense was school in an nutshell this week. After class on Fri we were officially on break. And what better way to celebrate than go to the library and study for ochem lab. Pretty much we were looking up for information on our reactions project we have to submit a proposal on the 15th and none of us have started. Our attempt to learn was fruitless and we gave up and went to the Olive Garden to celebrate. Deeds had to go to the bathroom so Me'Shell jacked 20 dollars out of Deeds wallet and we hid it from her the whole time. Finally when we were leaving, J-Bot and I pulled up to her, gave her a 20 and asked her how much for the we went to our respective apartments and I took a much needed nap. I then IM'ed Alysha and called Emily to see if they wanted to go to a kickback Aditi was holding later. I wasn't able to get a hold of Alysha but i was able to get a hold of Emily and she said she'd probably drop by after the gymnastics meet. I then called El Steph to see if she wanted to hang out. So J-Bot and me went to the store to buy some gatorade for him, then we picked up El Steph, and we headed out to the apartment. When we got there, Tara and Doug were already there. We were then joined by Leo the Russian and his friend Pam, followed by Savna and her b/f. So were all kicking back and drinking (not me, i was the DD) and then Emily calls and she says she's here so i stand outside to wave them down. When they got out the car, who else was with them, none other than Alysha....Haha don't wanna sound like a douche but I think my internal temp increased by 8 degrees. Anyways i greeted them and almost immediately i thought i was gonna crack.....So i was talking to Alysha as we were going in and she said something and i took it as a joke so i chuckled a little bit. She then chuckled a little and asked what was funny......then there was a bit of silence and i looked down and said i don't know..............(if that was a sign of things to come it wouldn't have been pretty). Anyways despite the rough start i did start talking to her and i was actually holding a conversation like she was a normal person. It was really nice talking to her, something i could get used to......haha anyways there were a lot of eyes on us as Aditi would ever so subtly ass bump me in Alysha's direction. Steph would also look and make sure i would be talking to her. J-Bot would throw in his comments about Alysha and me that i'm sure everyone including her heard. Even Doug would glance over and give me the "hows it going with her look". The most embarrasing moment came when Alysha asked me how the Franz Ferdinand song "Take me Out" goes and Steph overheard and said "ya sing it James, he's a really good singer". Then the rest of the room caught wind and was egging me on, then complete silence. Anyways it was a very fun night as most everyone was drunk, i got to talk to Alysha, and i also got to hang out with El Steph which i really never get a chance to do.
This morning i woke up early and go almost no sleep. I woke and did some things around the apartment then i got a call with an area code from Rhode Island. It was Alysha and she was stranded on Ina and Oracle and asked if i could pick her and her friend friend up. So i came and picked her up. Lol ya really thought she was just being lazy at first cuz it didn't look like it was raining when i stepped outside but when i got there it was raining and what not. Lol anyways i thought that was pretty cool...
Random Things...
-Frank came in this morning and showed me his tats.....they look sick and he got a good deal on it.
- Ite i'm off to Phx....wish me a safe trip...
Saturday, March 04, 2006
Symbol of Resistance

Currently Feeling- Worried
Picture of the Day - This is a picture of one of many around the walls of UofA. Many questions have arisen about it including it's meaning, is it a gang sign, is it angry or sad, and most importantly why does it look like Mr. Bread? I dont have an answer to any of the above but I feel somewhat compelled to this image. haha!
Well I have made it past hump day yet again. Unfortunately the feeling of accomplishment has dwindled yet again. It's natural to lose that motivation that you started the year off, but for me it is essential that i keep that intensity. And while I'm talking about feelings so to speak, I think i've also lost some of my fight in terms of my romantic position. Haha i don't care to detail it here, but if you wish to know i'll be more than happy to tell you. Anyways all these emotions have to be put on the backburner because next week i have a killer week before i can get to spring break. I have tests in Ochem, Calc, and Theatre Appreciation. So throughout this weekend I need to redefine "Studying Like A Mug".
If there has been one brightside to this week however, it is the buying of my new stereo system and the possibility of doing something really nice for Me'Shell. For my new speaker set up, I bought a used Velodyne CT-100 (for most of you, that probably means nothing haha) which retails for about 400-500 depending on where you look. On top of that the person who sold it to me, lives in glendale so instead of paying for shipping, i can just come down and pick it up. My other new piece(s) is my athena point 5 system at $200. I've heard amazing things about these speakers but i have never heard them myself. But ya they are estimated to arrive Tues which coincidentally is the day the new harry potter movie comes out on video. That gives me time to break in the speakers, and what not and be able to watch harry potty by Thurs (since bottcher has friends coming in on Tues and Weds). Anyways the last thing was the nice thing for Me'Shell. I finally got it ordered yesterday but it's not guaranteed that it's going to her quite yet. I can't expand on this though because i have to keep it a secret from her but i'm sure i've tol a lot of people who read this already so it shouldn't be too much a secret for you guys.
Anyways because i'm about to head off to Phx i'm just going to list off a few events that have happened this week that are of notice to me......
- How I Met Your Mother was new, pretty funny but it seemed like there was a commercial every two minutes.
- I finally beat Aditi in a test but it wasn't how i wanted it to be. I wanted her to score high and me to score higher but instead it turned out i scored low and she scored lower........
- Lab was alright, we got out of there quick...
- I got out of my theatre class real early so i met up with Me'Shell and went with her to lunch. Then we went on a mini trip around campus taking pictures of interesting things plus Mr. Breadfish.
- I then went to Rubios later on that nite with Deeds and Me-Bob (Clarice) for her percentage night....Good eats...
- I studied like a mug all day and then Bottcher, Sarah, Deeds, and me went to Takamatsu for all you can eat sushi....i paid 24 (with tip) for 31 dollar meal....hooray
- We also got into a little debate concerning a hypothetical chicken wing eating contest. This time, with them saying i can't outeat Bottcher, Me'Shell, her bro. Wow really no one likes to give me credit. We can add that to the list of Paul, El Steph, and Adam who think they can out duel me. See the problem with their assumption may be because of my lackluster showing at Takamatsu, but remember we are talking about eating chicken (which is second nature to me) as opposed to eating sushi (with crapload of rice attached to it).
- I'm heading up to phx to pick up my subwoofer and then to study. I'll probably hang out with the guys afterwards though.