Action is Required

Currently Feeling- Refreshed
Picture of the Day - Damn! who's that cute devil....haha anyways this was on me on St. Patty's day (oddly enough, that night i ended up changing and not wearing green)
Well it seems like right after coming back from spring break, i've been thrusted into a chaotic part of my school semester. Well i can't completely blame it on school, some of the chaos is my own doing. But we'll get to that later.
Anyways lets start with Monday.......o Monday, it started out so nicely too, little did i know the day would end up........well let me explain. I was in my ochem class early and on Mondays I normally eat lunch with Deeds and Shells which means on Monday I have to kill an hour of time between 12-1. So i left my ochem class before it started to grab a newspaper so that i could read it during the break. As i got outside i bumped into Emily so i started talking to her about her St. Patty's Day party and how she got red tagged. Alysha then came up and joined in on our conversation. She then asked where i was heading and i told her about the whole killing time before lunch by reading the newspaper and then she said she would join us for lunch. So ya i went on my way to getting my newspaper and i was pretty excited. So class then comes and goes and i start killing time by reading the paper on the grassy knoll (haha one of my more favorite spots to chill on campus) when i get a call from alysha. She called to say that her class got cancelled and that she was going to eat lunch now. There was then about a couple secs of silence (which seemed to last forever) then i finally said "Oh that's cool..." and she said "What?" and I unfortunately repeated what i said. She then said "ya it is" and then i finally ended it by saying "ok well have a fun lunch".........Once i told people what a tard i was, everyone was throwing around a joke. Even El Steph got thought she was a comedian and left me a prank voicemail (which was pretty humorous btw).
Anyways the rest of the day (and some of Tuesday), i was kicking myself over my stupidity. I wanted to say "can i join you" or "would u like some company" but instead I said "O that's cool".......I even called the girls to see if she called them and she definately didn't. Anyways I did meet up with the girls for lunch and they proceeded to rip me a new one about the whole chain of events. After lunch i went back home, and chilled and did a little studying. I then watched the new ep of HIMYM and Prison Break. Aditi then called to remind me to call Alysha about if she wanted to go to the party on Fri......So the plan was that i was going to call her about the party and also if she wanted to eat lunch tomorrow. So i call her and lets just say i couldn't have called her at a worse time. Anyways shes going to Lake Havasu on Fri so that was a no go and i didn't get a chance to ask her if she wanted to eat lunch tomorrow.
Tuesday I decided to sleep past my first class and then i turned in my paper for indv. I went to Theatre and then i went over to the chem building but they cancelled discussions. So i called the girls and met them up at the museum and played hackeysack with Deeds, Shells, Adam, and Tara. After that Tara, Deeds, and I headed over to the ILC to study (at least they did, i created TolueneMan)......I then went to bio and then i headed off back home to finish my labs and study for my ochem lab midterm. Aditi was then able to convince me to watch V for that movie was really good although the ending seemed to have confused aditi haha......
Weds i went to ochem then went home and finished up my labs before actually going to lab. Ya the midterm didn't turn out too well, there were a few questions i was like "????" anyways i didn't do a lab after that and just went home to study for my indv test.
Today was kinda bad in terms of me going to school. I went to math and then i took my indv test. It seemed kinda easy i hopefully did well cuz i had the 8ball with me. Anyways i just went home and took a long nap.
Random Things....
- Tonight i'm watching Philadelphia Story at 7:30
- Amare Stoudamire is coming back tonite......yes!!!
- I know it seems like i'm rushing thru my blog now but i'm getting antsy....
- The title of the post is "action is required" because i feel like i need to do something to show Alysha i like her and i'm interested in her........Assuming she does like me, she's been doing showing all the effort and i'm worried that she'll give up on me...
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