Song Of The Day- Lil Rob - Bring Out the Freak In You
Currently Feeling- Tired
Picture of the Day - This is the front of the house, you can't see it but somewhere hidden in the snow is a handle of Mississippi Mud......
Well I just got back from Prescott from the guys and i'll say now, i had a really fun time. As you have noticed, there is no picture of the day, rather for this post i'll run pictures that'll relate to my blog as I write.

Anyways on Mon, I had to get some homework done before i could take this trip to Prescott. My main priority was to get my ochem reactions proposal done. In order to do this, I went to the ASU science and Engineering library with the girls plus bottcher and Amy. Their library kicks UofA's librarys ass. Anywho we were there for about an hour or two, then we headed off to In-N-Out. After that we went our separate ways and I chilled at my house for most of the day. I then went with Adam to John's house to drop off his movie, then we went back to my house to watch tv cuz i had to stay home since my lil sis had the flu.

Tuesday was a bit of a rush. I woke up around 8, and i got myself packed good and early. Now the original plan was to leave by 10 but i knew that there was no way we were gonna leave this early especially with Adam coming. So after i finished packing, I went to Mcdonalds for the Mcgriddle and then Adam called and i helped him get ready by picking up Dusty. From there Dust and me went back to my place and Joel picked us up and we all met up at Moses'. Now the driving arrangement went Alex-Moses-Tommy in one car, Adam-JBot-Dusty, and Joel-Me in the last car. When

we got there, i took some pictures of the surrounding areas and it was really cool. There was some snow on the ground but it wasn't actually snowing. So we unpacked and got some supplies and we were on our way to getting messed up. When we tried to get supplies, we ran into a slight problem....Joel's car got stuck on a ditch...lol it took us a little bit but we were able to get it out. Anyways we got messed up, at the cabin we had tons of beer, an assortment of hard liquor including the Costco sized Grey Goose. We drank, played video games, and just plain kicked it. We

some hot dogs and ate 32 or 40 hot dogs....lolThe one downside of starting early was the fact that we also passed out early. I think Adam and Dust passed out at 11 with me and everyone else following soon afterward.

On Wendsday, we somehow ended up waking up at 8. This meant only one thing, we got an early start to getting messed up. First thing was first, we were out of food so Moses, J-Bot, and me went to burger king and got 15 whoppers for everyone along with 3 bags of chips. Joel had to leave cuz he had to go to work. Anyways it was more of the same except we got more fucked up than the night before (at least I did). Anyways we were really lazy and just pretty much laid around and drank. At one point we started watching 28 Days Later in the living room. Then time fast

forwarded and next thing i know i'm upstairs frantically looking for the remote control because i wanted to watch the Suns game. Anyways most of the night was a blur because ya i barely remember anything up til around 9 or 10. I remember the Suns killed the Clips, then we ate 3 boxes of pizza, then i talked to the Mase on the phone for awhile. Then i crashed.

Today we got ready to go and had a snowball fight....lol ya Adam, Dust, Moses, J-Bot, and I had the balcony while Al and Tommy were attacking from below. haha They would hide under us, so Dusty and me came up with and idea where we got a pot of water and poured it below us and when someone got soaked they would come from underneath us and i would pelt them with a snowball....lol it definately worked......Anyways Adam, Dust, and J-Bot left earlier cuz Adam got suckered into going to work again. So Moses, Tommy, Al, and me cleaned the house and then we ate lunch at Costco. When we got back all i did was chill and check up on my email. We were supposed to watch Night Watch but I feel kinda tired so were gonna watch it tomorrow.
Random Things....
- The original plan was for me to go back to Tucson tomorrow but I decided it would be best to stay til Sat.
- The trip was real fun....at first i was a little worried because i feared that someone would get on someones nerves, but alas everyone was chill....
- They said i look like Chester the Cat? from Alice in Wonderland, just when i smile or laugh...
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