Symbol of Resistance

Currently Feeling- Worried
Picture of the Day - This is a picture of one of many around the walls of UofA. Many questions have arisen about it including it's meaning, is it a gang sign, is it angry or sad, and most importantly why does it look like Mr. Bread? I dont have an answer to any of the above but I feel somewhat compelled to this image. haha!
Well I have made it past hump day yet again. Unfortunately the feeling of accomplishment has dwindled yet again. It's natural to lose that motivation that you started the year off, but for me it is essential that i keep that intensity. And while I'm talking about feelings so to speak, I think i've also lost some of my fight in terms of my romantic position. Haha i don't care to detail it here, but if you wish to know i'll be more than happy to tell you. Anyways all these emotions have to be put on the backburner because next week i have a killer week before i can get to spring break. I have tests in Ochem, Calc, and Theatre Appreciation. So throughout this weekend I need to redefine "Studying Like A Mug".
If there has been one brightside to this week however, it is the buying of my new stereo system and the possibility of doing something really nice for Me'Shell. For my new speaker set up, I bought a used Velodyne CT-100 (for most of you, that probably means nothing haha) which retails for about 400-500 depending on where you look. On top of that the person who sold it to me, lives in glendale so instead of paying for shipping, i can just come down and pick it up. My other new piece(s) is my athena point 5 system at $200. I've heard amazing things about these speakers but i have never heard them myself. But ya they are estimated to arrive Tues which coincidentally is the day the new harry potter movie comes out on video. That gives me time to break in the speakers, and what not and be able to watch harry potty by Thurs (since bottcher has friends coming in on Tues and Weds). Anyways the last thing was the nice thing for Me'Shell. I finally got it ordered yesterday but it's not guaranteed that it's going to her quite yet. I can't expand on this though because i have to keep it a secret from her but i'm sure i've tol a lot of people who read this already so it shouldn't be too much a secret for you guys.
Anyways because i'm about to head off to Phx i'm just going to list off a few events that have happened this week that are of notice to me......
- How I Met Your Mother was new, pretty funny but it seemed like there was a commercial every two minutes.
- I finally beat Aditi in a test but it wasn't how i wanted it to be. I wanted her to score high and me to score higher but instead it turned out i scored low and she scored lower........
- Lab was alright, we got out of there quick...
- I got out of my theatre class real early so i met up with Me'Shell and went with her to lunch. Then we went on a mini trip around campus taking pictures of interesting things plus Mr. Breadfish.
- I then went to Rubios later on that nite with Deeds and Me-Bob (Clarice) for her percentage night....Good eats...
- I studied like a mug all day and then Bottcher, Sarah, Deeds, and me went to Takamatsu for all you can eat sushi....i paid 24 (with tip) for 31 dollar meal....hooray
- We also got into a little debate concerning a hypothetical chicken wing eating contest. This time, with them saying i can't outeat Bottcher, Me'Shell, her bro. Wow really no one likes to give me credit. We can add that to the list of Paul, El Steph, and Adam who think they can out duel me. See the problem with their assumption may be because of my lackluster showing at Takamatsu, but remember we are talking about eating chicken (which is second nature to me) as opposed to eating sushi (with crapload of rice attached to it).
- I'm heading up to phx to pick up my subwoofer and then to study. I'll probably hang out with the guys afterwards though.
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