Mickey Mickey Your So Fine....

Currently Feeling- A Little Worried
Picture of the Day - With all this talk of the puppy, i can't forget about Mr. Captain Mallow. This was him during spring break with his floppy ears.
Ahhh school is tomorrow yet again meaning spring break is over. It was a fun spring break though (for the most part). After Prescott, i pretty much relaxed. I bought some clothes and then on St. Patty's day i went with Moi to watch NightWatch on Mill Ave. I've hung out there before at night, but everytime i go i realize how crappy our University Ave is here. Anyways the movie was pretty good. I didn't know alot about it coming into it other than people considered it Harry Potter for adults and Matrix-like (not special effects wise but story wise). Anyways the one thing i didn't check up on was the fact it was subtitled. I dont' mind subtitles and for this particular movie i liked it, but the reason why i bring this up is because the guy sitting in front of me kept moving his head and putting his arm up so i had to constantly move my neck around to read the subtitles. At the end of the movie, my neck was hurting like a fiend. Anyways after that we walked back to the car amongst the sea of green.

Today was me half assing my paper all day. It really shouldn't have taken me half the time i ended up taking. But in my defense they were playing the Prison Break marathon along with the UofA game which we lost to Villanova. Then Mickey decided to use my room as his personal bathroom...that was fun.....i then went to Wing Stop and got some wings. I dunno if this is a stretch or not but i think the girl who works there likes me. I say it cuz the first time i went in there and she was working, she gave me more chicken wings then i paid for. I think that's the only time i've been there and she's worked. But tonite i came in and she knew my name.......o well.....
Random Things....
- Tomorrow i just have ochem, so the plan is class, lunch, homework
- my mood is a little worried because i have a bad feeling about the party. I'll discuss it later though.
- Another odd thing to spring break was that I messaged Leah on myspace during spring break. Why I messaged her......lol not for the reason some of you might expect....
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