Confliction All Around

Currently Feeling- Conflicted
Picture of the Day - My cousin Tiano and me at the post-wedding celebration.
Wow since the wedding, things have definately picked up. That doesn't necessarily mean a good thing however. But before i try to blog some things off my chest, I want to talk about the wedding....It was really nice, it was up on the mountain and was an outdoor wedding. It was relatively small with a guest list of 200. The most important thing i have learned about the wedding is to make sure not to give my cousin Mark any important position. He went to the corner store to get liquored up before the wedding and almost caused mass chaos at the wedding because he couldn't find his suit....The second is the rediscovery of my romantic, sappy, side. I guess i've lost touch with that aspect of myself lately but alas it is back (more on this later). Anyways the wedding was nice although the sound system was fucked up. The reception was great though, open bar, VIP seating (for me), and just plain hanging out with family. Also i got to hear my cousin John-John sign Al Green's song - Let's get together and all i can say is "damn, he better sing at my wedding!". Anyways i had to get plastered early at the open bar because i had to drive later that night. Took some pictures (located under facebook), and watched my cousin mark throw up all over his outfit. We then drove back to my cousins house and hung out with Johnx2, Tiano, Russell, Ashley, Karen, Andrew, and my sis. I took a couple shots of whiskey and was feeling like garbage but my cousins wanted me to keep drinking so i drank some coronas and that definately wasn't a smart idea. Anyways my sister was trashed up the wazoo. The next day we had a bbq and then i got to drive back to AZ and did it in 4hrs 18 minutes.
After the trip to California, i spent a week in Phx to just unwind and mooch off the parentals. And while it was casual to me, I was confronted with a lot of new happenings and rehashes of some old happenings. I suppose we'll start with the rehash...... Remember the end of the year party at Deeds? Well Tawni wasn't invited and I didn't want to tell her so yes I did lie about what i was doing because I didn't want to be the one to tell her that she couldn't come (although i know she wouldn't have). Anyways my computer was at the girl's apt and my AIM was on with a generic away message and Tawni IM'ed me. Aditi saw it and told me and asked if i wanted to reply and i said don't........unfortunately she did. I then looked over but tawni already signed off. Flash forward to Vicky's party where tawni was there already pretty plastered. Towards the end of the night she started calling me an asshole. The reason being that i lied to her about the party. Anyways since Aditi's party i figured that it would get brought up but i was hoping that it would just die......that wasn't the case......
The second rehash is something that just refuses to die and that is the whole situation with paul/tawni/deeds. All aspects of this situation has been beaten to death so i don't care to write anything more about it other than each party is going to believe what they are going to believe and that's not going to change. They also aren't going to be friends anymore so my best advice is just to forget about them......
I'll take a short reprieve from the crazy happenings and mention that the Mase is back in town. I forgot that he wasn't on leave and was based at Luke Air Force Base. I did get to hang out with him a couple times as we went to Vicky's party along with El Steph, Adam, and Deeds. Pretty fun time just chilling and what not. Deeds and I ended up watching tv at my house til like 3ish-4ish because she was drunk and she wanted to wait until she was more sober.
The mase and me also went and did a bunch of car shopping for him. We went to Mazda and Nissan to look primarily at the Altima and the 6. Personally i think the altima is a better car but the salesman we got at nissan was a joke. He tried to make small talk and the whole time jase and me could smell the bs coming out of his mouth.
The last piece of blog that i'll write for now (check back tonite maybe i'll blog again by then) involves the sudden burst of affection between Tawnicita and Adam the Jew. I actually got a hint of it before i left to Cali as the Jew IM'ed me telling me how they have been trying to hang out but scheduling conflicts have prevented such actions. Anyways when i got back i was treated to another IM from the Jew telling me how he thinks he's falling for her but he doesn't know what will come out of it. So now we flash forward to Vicky's party (ya i know a lot of references) and Tawni asked me what adam and me talked about and so i hinted at what we talked about and then tawni said "does this surprise you" and flashed a huge grin which i haven't seen in awhile. I have more to write about this but i'll leave that for the next blog