Wednesday, January 07, 2004

"New" James

Currently Feeling- Good
This Day In History- I dunno bout it, but it was the debut of "the X Spot" marked on my hand.....

Well today was pretty normal.....1st hour was boring, PCT was funny cuz we were practicing fainting and catching the patient.....well the girl I was working with faints like no other and pulls forward....So I grabbed the belt and I lift her from falling...Then i start yelling, "I caught her, I caught her Ms. Smith" the whole time still holding her in my right arm....heh funny......5th period was pretty normal also.....afterschool I wanted to take a nap but I told Tawni I was going to Cousins unless I was dead.....So I went over there and hung out with her and Steph for a couple hours just chillin....They kept wanting to find out what the "new" James is.....heh I'll explain later....anyways I stayed for a while then I went home, now I'm watching the Suns game....

Random Things.....

So I guess I should explain my "New" James theory......Well it goes like this, it's not completely new but more like a combination of all the failed "New James". Their seemed to always be something that I was trying to force outta myself that was completely being out of character.....So my new James is more of a mix of all those things, nothing forced and it was just all of a sudden I'm a new has been a gradual change thing...... I guess I'll try to list some of the changes although even I'm not completely sure of all the changes...... Well let's see.....I've been a lot happier now that I've found my equilibrium....My confidence is back, cuz I've just stopped caring...not in the bad way mind you.... I've become more vocal, as a result. I've also given a deaf ear to things people say that I don't really wanna do. Also throughout the year (actually last year) I've been able to stop thinking about a lot of stuff that would repeatedly get me down and what not..... I'm pretty sure you should all know most of the stuff I'm talking about.....There other things but I'm not quite sure, it's just that I feel different, better, I'm the same ole james, just more upbeat and stuff...


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