Currently Feeling- OK
This Day In History- 29th - I gave Tawni a ride to my clinicials, then gave her my number again so that we could go see Sweet Home Alabama....30th - Played pin the tail on the donkey in HCT, more of Tawni trying to get my blog....31st - Halloween.....1st - I thought I had regained control over myself....2nd - More of trying to force myself to feel differently, I told Tawni that I may still like Leah.....but I knew that there wasn't a comparison....
Sorry for the lack of updates, I've been really busy studying for math and SAT's.....I actually don't remember everything that has happened, things are really normal right now between everyone except for Tawni....she seems really different although I can't put my finger on it. To be honest I haven't really "talked" to her in a couple weeks I haven't been to Cousins while she's there and she hasn't call and i haven't called cuz I figured that she's busy....ummm.....Vicky and me is still teetering, ummm yeah I got a chance to talk to her a lot at school of Fri, I invited her to watch Texas Chainsaw Massacre but everyone told her it was really scary so she didn't want to go. Oh yeah Hubert "cockblocked" me at Rennisance day. I was gonna go and sit next to Vicky and talk to her but right as I sat down, I look over to talk to her and Hubert wedges himself in between us....I was real pissed but i'm cool with Hubey so no biggie....As for Rennisance day Hubert and me got eliminated first in the jousting contest because we wanted to fight......um for Halloween I went out with Aric, Joel, Jason B, and Frank and watched TCM....it wasn't scary and it was really losely based on a true story......On Sat I had SAT's which were a bitch. I sat next to Kelsen, math I did good but not Vocab....afterwards I visited Steph and Emily at Cousins then I hung out and played nba live 2004 with Adam....I'm owning him in the game.....
Well sorry for the jumbled up blog entry, I just forgot what has happened in the past week...
Random Things.....
I got my homecoming pictures, and they look really good I'm surprised....yeah my uncle wants me to go for her......
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