Sunday, October 05, 2003

The New Crew

Song Of The Day- YoungBloodz - Damn
Currently Feeling- Not So Good
This Day In History- I was seriously doubting asking Leah to homecoming. Jason wanted me to ask her so we could double date but I knew that if I asked her I don't know if I would have fun

Well yesterday for lunch I hung out with Jason, Frank, Jason B. and Joel. It's the new crew minus Adam. Adam's really excited about the expansion...heh....Anyways we met up at Joel's and then I drove to Claim Jumpers for my newspaper review. Our food order wasn't even taken for twenty minutes so Jason and me complained. Finally we got our food ordered. There was this really hot hostess who we kept checking out. Anyways our waiter was being all nice trying to make up and try to talk like we were his friend. It was kinda sad. He hooked us up with cake. Afterwards I asked the hostess for the menu and I talked to her for a bit. She graduated last year from Moon Valley and we were talking about some people she knew from Cactus. Afterwards we went to Jason's house and shot pool and hung out. We were about to go back to Claim jumpers so Frank could try and get the hostess number but he had to go to work. So we all went our separate ways. I took a 30 minute nap then decided to go to church. Afterwards Adam called and he picked me up and we went to Jason's to hang out. Frank got off work early so the plan was to go see House of Rock. Jason ended up not going cuz he had to go riding tomorrow morning. Anyways we picked up Joel, Jason B, and Frank and we watched the movie....Jack Black is one funny mofo...,.the movie is pretty good and they didn't go for all the cheap gags.......

The plans for today is ?????? I don't have any so probably just chill at home.......

Random Things......

Regarding the situation early this week I've chosen not to think about it.


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