Thursday, September 25, 2003

Fortune Cookie

Song Of The Day- Brian Mcknight - Love Is
Currently Feeling- Excited
This Day In History- No Post

Well yesterday was a pretty fun day. I went to Cousins to help Tawni with her math although she yelled at me. I stayed til close so that I could help Tawni close since Emily was feeling kinda sick. She was talking about how I should get a job there cuz if I did I would have made $20 but instead I did manual labor for free but it was cool..Yeah it was cool hanging out there cuz I really haven't done that in a little bit. Yeah I told Tawni about the whole thing with Jason and Adam giving me crap about a lot of stuff lately. Yeah Tawni also wanted to know what else I've been keeping from her but it's something that I have to observe because if I told her then she may act differently which would mess up whether or not it's true or not. But I think it's good and I have a good feeling about it, I just dont' wanna jump to conclusions. Yeah maybe I should of gotten a job at cousins cuz i was there pretty much the whole time.... After work I hung out with Tawni in the rain until her mom showed up. We talked about what we were gonna do in the future. Her mom didn't come so I dropped her off at home, then I went to Adam's to play Madden. Yeah the 1st game I lost in OT but I recovered.....My saints defense needs improving. Anyways I got home kinda late but my parents were cool....

Today I was really excited. In journalism I had the whole period to come up with what I wanted to do to ask Vicky to homecoming. I wanted to do something special but not to lovey dovey cuz that would be inappropriate so I finally came up with the conclusion of a fortune cookie. It's perfect. I asked Mr. COmbs if he knew where I could get one and yeah the class started offering suggestions.......In college prep, it was Hamlet reading....I guess I was acting really excited about the weekend cuz 1. I rarely get to hang out with Tawni outside of school. 2. I'm hopefully gonna hang out with Vicky. 3. I get to see if my fortune cookie plan plays out right..... Photo I finished my stuff, Kristen told Nicole about my plan and they were talking about how cute it was. Lunch I got a lot of crap from Jason....heh ok this is what happened, Adam was angry at me cuz I wasn't gonna enter in the NFL pool because I was gonna spend a lot of money this weekend. Jason then asks if I was gonna pay for Tawni which I said probably, then he gets into this whole rant about how I shouldn't and what not. heh yeah I've been the target for the past couple yeah also the past two days I've walked the other period the quiz was hard as hell........After school I dropped off Barbie then went to math tutor.....It was cool, the plan for today is drop sis off at JV game, go to Cousins to drop off Coheed and Cambria cd to steph, then call Vicky to confirm plans for this weekend.

Random Things....

Tawni puts stuff on my planner...hmmm the funniest was that under emergency numbers she put her under there so in case I get shot or what not, Tawni better be there to come get me......

Yeah your probably noticing the music, I'll be changing it every update. So if ya have any suggestions then leave a message but it has to be at least semi -popular.....

Right now I'm at a high but I also have a little doubt. If she has plans for this weekend I hope my confidence isn't shot.....

Hmmm I read this article Tawni gave me about was right on the mark except it was aimed more towards women....

Tawni- I'm paying no matter what you say.......


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