Tuesday, August 12, 2003

Journey of Jamz 1 Yr Anniversary

Currently Feeling - Awkward
This Day In History - I was into this findapix thing....I met this one girl and she seemed like a very nice girl with morals and all....well it turned out that she was a ho.....pretty embarrasing

Wow well it's been exactly one year since I started writing in a blog and I think I've changed a lot in that year. It's helped me just to let stuff out when I need to not to mention improve my writing skills somewhat. Anyways I didn't have much time to celebrate because it was the second day of school. This morning I dragged myself out of bed and Barbie to go to school. I talked to Mike P, Mike L, and Joe for a little bit catching up. I talked to Tawni for a little bit, she talked to Emily about the whole problem thing. I don't know what effect this will have but hopefully it will be positive. Anyways Journalism was really boring today. It sucks because I have no one to talk to. We watched a movie and took notes but that was about it. College Prep, Adrian moved into our class....We went into the library and I was reading essays with Tawni and Adam. I wanted to borrow Love in the time of Cholera but it wasn't there so I'm gonna borrow Adam's card and go to the library. Anyways I also got a chance to talk to Steve who I haven't seen this summer....yeah I was talking to him and Bobby about cars.....After class I let Tawni look at my obituary of myself while talking to Amber. Anyways I decided to make it kinda depressing. To sum up my made up life, I was a successful dentist who gave his service free to those who couldn't afford it. The downside was I never did find my "true" love and I died protecting my friend by getting shot.....not the most happy life I guess......Photo was alright, I just talked with Yvonne and Damien. Lunch I went with Frank and Adam to Frank's house to eat corn dogs and watch 3 little ninjas. Finally math, it was actually pretty easy today........Well don't have any plans or homework other than math so.....

Random Things....

When I left for lunch I got to talk to Emily. She asked me what I said to Tawni and to Steph....I'm not sure if she was mad or not, she didn't seem like it but I don't think she'll tell me anything anymore... I'm just a little upset cuz I'm not sure what she thinks I said or what not...... So from now on I've decided that i'm not going to interfere in business like that unless it's absolutely neccessary. I mean they all may have made up but if Emily is now pissed at me...it's a bit unfair....

It's still too early to tell how this semester will turn out...maybe by next week or the the week after then you can tell how the school year is going to happen....

I'm feeling absolutely awkward in a weird way.....I'm not going to explain it though, cuz I really don't know how to word it, and I don't think I want to...


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