Saturday, August 09, 2003

The Last Weekend

Currently Feeling - Good

Well today has been a slightly weird day. I woke up and blogged. I then talked to Tawni for a little bit before work. She wanted me to come in at 3 til close so i told her that I would. Now I had plans to go watch SWAT with the crew but I figured that Adam wouldn't get off work til 3 then we would have to watch it at nite. Well things didn't quite turn out this way. Adam got off at 2:30 which was the time the movie started so I tried real hard to try to postpone the movie. I even at the end suggested that they watch the movie and I'll watch it by myself tonite. Well I was gonna get in the car but they jumped in so I had no other choice. And the whole way they talked about me being whipped....heh my personal favorite was from Frank when he said "she's not even ur girlfriend and you have been whipped creamed".....nice......well I called Tawni that I was gonna be late which got some more comments. We got to the movie and it was really good. I enjoyed it......Afterwards I dropped off Frank and Adam, while Jason and me went to Cousins. Steph and Tawni were working so we hung out there til close. Yeah Tawni owed me a favor but she claimed that I can't use my favor til tomorrow which didn't make sense but in the long run was good. Anyways I had a really great time hanging out til about 7 then it started getting dreary on me....I just got quiet.....well I stuck thru it til close, then I dropped off Jason to his car then hung out with Adam and Dusty for an hour. At 9 I went over to Steph's party but only for a little bit. I then called Tawni while at the "spot"......yeah it was nice and pretty cuz of the full moon. Well now i'm home and the plan for tonite is to watch boys and girls. The plan for tomorrow is to enjoy my last day of summer. I'll go fix my dad's friends computer, then I'll go to church, and sometime between 11-4 I'll go to Cousins......

Random Things....

Just a Reminder to myself.....Tawni owes me a but the funny thing was that I was gonna come either way, she didn't have to...


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