Monday, August 11, 2003

School's ugly head

Currently Feeling - OK

Well last nite I got no sleep whatsoever....I was so tired....anyways my day, lets see I took my sis and me to school at 6:55...she went and did her stuff in the cafeteria while I hung out in the car until Jason and Frank arrived. Tawni and Steph also arrived and we all went.....anyways it was weird seeing all these people and not talking to them all summer. Anyways 1st period...Journalism...yup 2 seniors in the class Kaitleen and me....It was weird cuz everyone was underclassmen.....There was this one girl who sat next to Kaitleen, she looked like the girl from the facilty...the one who turned out to be the mother alien...anyways I felt kinda bad cuz she would always turn around when I started talking so I just gave her a smile everytime she turned around....2nd period, College Prep, heh my class is very weird... I mean I have my 3 of my best friends in Tawni, Adam, and Frank......But then it gets kinda weird...there's Leah who I used to have a big ass crush on since Frosh year.....I talked to her a little when I saw her....then there is Jennifer Stufflebeam who I've had a history with....Pretty much I was friends with her and Ian back in the day and I was always the puppetmaster trying to get them together....But when Ian got all hostile towards her, I know it was not deserved but I didn't stop anything....and I felt bad about it, that's why I have kinda a hard time looking at her or talking to her. Then there's Hubert...heh a very coin like personality......2 sides....mainly because he always tries to be Mr. Sensitive towards the girls but when with guys, he always says something along the lines of "I'd fuck her"....I dunno it's probably cuz of my new conscious but it just bothers me sometimes.... then 3rd period is photo.....Yvonne ran up to me and sat next to me....yeah I thought it was kinda weird cuz I haven't really talked to her in high school and we never really talked in elementary...but she's cool....I talked to her for most of class....but I also got Brett, Damian, and Mike Philips in my class......Lunch I just hung out at school then we all hung out in the parking lot. Before 5th period, Tawni, Adam, and me went to visit Mr. Ashby...heh a little weird, he gave me this look that I found very weird until I remembered what I put in his e-mail...then it all hit me...kinda embarassing......5th is Calc...that class is real hard but I doi have Moses and Jason.....Afterschool I just picked up Barbie cuz she forgot her id..and then I went and hung out at Adam's for a little. We were supposed to go school shopping but he had to go to work....So the plan for today is not to go to sleep....I've finished most of my homework, now I have to get school supplies, get shoe cleaner, then visit cousins, then finish homework...


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