Thursday, July 10, 2003

Frank and Samwise For LIfe

Hmmmm....well I got back from Cousins. Hmm but first I'll update a little. This may be the last update of the nite cuz I'm leaving early 2morrow for NAU. Anyways Adam called me from Frank's house and told me to come over ASAP cuz he had something really funny to say. So I go over and he says that Samwise the Ugly (this girl that he works with at the library, don't wanna be mean so I won't mention how she looks) says that Frank was Adam made fun of him for the rest of the day. After Adam left for work Jason came over. We talked to him for a while. I've noticed that Frank gets real defensive about the whole money thing. Like he always says he's broke but his family just bought a $40,000 suburban so we kinda joked around by that but I think we hit a bit of a nerve. Anyways I left soon after Jason did and I hung out at home. I talked to Tawni online and then I went to fill up the MDX. I then took out the volvo to Circuit city to talk to Andrew. I hung out there for an hour talking to him then I went over to Cousins. I then did something unexpected. I started talking to Paul a little. I think I broke a record. I just talked to him about going to NAU and stuff....not too long but still pretty good. Anyways the plan for 2nite is pool....

Random Things....

I think the other part of "plan JAM" didn't pull through as far as I know

I don't think I want to talk about Plan R tomorrow or if I could so I think I'll wait, but just in case I'm reading over what I wrote a week ago.

I'm burning a couple saves the day cd's along with Brand new and maybe Fenix-TX

As soon as Andrew's 60 day policy at Circuit City runs out I'm gonna get the hook up over there....


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