Wednesday, July 09, 2003

Maybe Not The Worst Movie, But It's Up There

Currently Feeling - Happy Yet Sad

Well yesterday I was actually quite busy. I woke up at 9 to go to Acura to get the suspension lubricated and cleaned. Then I hung out for a while. I retuned Gangs of New York then I went to the library to collect yet another movie damn maybe my luck is starting to change. I talked to Adam for a bit but I had to go back home. I talked to Tawni on the phone, something is still off in her voice but it's was still good hearing from her. After that I went and picked up the Acura and then I went to Cousins. I couldn't stay long cuz I had some paperwork to do so I got my experimental sub and talked to Cam, Em, and Steph. Then I went to Borders to get my sis some food. Anyways then I did a bunch of paperwork over at Kinko's but I got $50 so it balanced out. We then went to the hospital to pick up my mom. I went to Frank's house because we were either gonna go see 28 days later or wrong turn but I didn't want to drive 50 miles so we went and saw 28 days later. It was Adam, Frank, Sopheak, Dusty, and me. That movie sucks, it sucks horribly. I wouldn't recommend this movie even to someone I hate. It just goes beyond cruel. So if you are ever wondering what to do one of these nites, a nice alternative to watching this movie is watching paint dry. Trust me in the long run it would be entertaining. The only interesting part was that the girls in front of us were about to get into a fight. Anyways I dropped them off and then I was supposed to go watch old school with my sis but alas they already were watching it so I was a little pissed that they didn't wait so I went in my sis' room and passed out.

Anyways I don't really have plans for 2nite. Maybe go to the peter piper pizza buffet thing with the guys, then maybe Pirates of the Caribbean...

Random Things....

I had this really weird dream.....I dreamt that I was still best friends with Ian and we were at my house on the computer and he was looking thru everything...yeah that's basically it

I'm trying to get rid of some of the music I don't listen to...that could take a while


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