Wednesday, April 02, 2003

Sitting in the Library Alone....

Song Of The Day - Lee-Ann Rymes - I Need You (I think it's number one on her "I Need Love" cd)
Currently Feeling - ok

I'm in the library right now so I'd figure I'd update real quick since I have a bunch of stuff to do today afterschool. Last nite I called Tawni cuz I was real worried about her. She was about to go to the hospital cuz of reasons she put on the topic on the right. She was doing ok so I just filled her in on what happened today. I went over to her house to go pick up Serendipity and she was gonna let me borrow her lee-ann rymes cd. I talked for a bit then Steph came over and she told us about her bitchy was pretty funny. After a bit I went to my car and gave her back her cd and also let her borrow my Boyz II Men cd. She's finally going to see a doctor tomorrow which is great and hopefully it's nothing serious. Today I gots to get a haircut and also I gotta get my cologne "estee lauder pleasures".

Random Things.....

---Note To Tawni----
Hey Tawni, how r u feelin? Well I'm alone in the library so I just wanted to wish you to get better. Anywho update your blog!!! I miss ya, it's real quiet, kinda eerie......I'll probably call up tonite to see how your doing....well have fun...
---end Note-----

prom is a couple days away

Oh yeah I forgot to publish this questionaire I did yesterday...

Here is a questionaire

*Date: April 1, 2003
*Name: James R. Go
*Nicknames: Jamz
*Age: 16
*Birthday: August 23, 1986
*School: Cactus High School
*Location: Peoria
*Color of eyes: dark brown
*Hair: Black
*Height: 5'10
*Shoe Size: 12-13
*Brothers/Sisters: Little sister Barbie, Older Sister Marianne
*Who lives with you: Mom, Dad, little sis, Aunt
*When is your bedtime?: Don't have one but during school still about 11-12

[in the morning i am]: disorientated
[love is]: all you need
[if i could see one person right now]: haven't seen my couz in a while
[im afraid of]: needles
[i dream about]: bad omens lately
[actually seen ur crush naked]: no
[cried when someone died]: yes, but I've been fortunate not to know alot who have
[drank alcohol]: not in a year and going strong
[lied]: yes, but I'm no good at it
[coke or pepsi]: pepsi
[flowers or candy]: candy, especially hershey's with almonds

------------------HAVE YOU EVER------------------
*Ever been so drunk you black out: nope
*Missed school Bus: yes back in frosh year in the first day of school
*Put a body part on fire for amusement: no
*Car Accident: unfortunately
*Been hurt emotionally: yes
*Kept a secret from everyone: yeah
*Had an imaginary friend: no
*Wanted to hook up with a friend: yeah
*Cried during a Movie: too much times
*Had a crush on a teacher: yup....Mrs. Abramson and Ms. Sharp
*Ever thought an animated character was hot: lol yup
*Had a New Kids on the Block tape: nope but I always sang along to their songs
*Been on stage: yes
*Cut your hair: yes
*Been sarcastic: yeah

W I T H T H E O P P O S I T E S E X . . .
[what do u notice first?]: face (smile)
[last person u slow danced with]: Vicky
[worst thing to say]: I have no backbone to say something bad
[scruff or clean shaven]: I hope she's not scruffy
[tall or short]: short

*Shampoo: Herbal essences
*Soap: soap? body wash for me
*Color: black and blue
*Day/Night: night
*Summer/winter: winter
*Lace or satin: I would prefer satin on a girl
*Cartoon Character: hmm...I just watch whatever interests me, but nothing will ever beat the original teenage mutant ninja turtles
*Fave salad: As long as it has ranch
*Fave Movie: Serendipity
*Fave Ice Cream: Rocky Road
*Fave Subject: I hate them all equally
*Fave Person to talk to online: don't talk much online, but back in the day it would have to be my ex-girlfriend

------------------ W H O------------------
[makes u laugh the most?]: Adam and Frank crackin jokes at each other
[makes you smile]: mainly my close friends and family
[gives u a funny feeling when u see them]: hmm...probably still Tawni
[has a crush on u?]: lol, this one girl in my bio and math class (umm.....this is a message board)
[easier to talk to: boys or girls?]: girls

------------------RIGHT NOW------------------
*Wearing: red polo shirt, khaki pants
*Hair is: messy
*I'm feeling: bored
*Eating: nothing
*Drinking: water
*Thinkin bout: when to start doing my homework
*Listening to: extreme - more than words
*Talking to: no one
*Watching: b-ball game

D O Y O U E V E R . . .
[sit on the internet all day waiting for someone special to I.M. u?]: back in the day my pathetic but it was sweet back then
[save aol/aim conversations]: occasionally
[cried because of someone saying something to u]: yeah
------------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS------------------
*Cried: no
*Worn a skirt: hell no
*Met someone New: no
*Cleaned your room: nope, it clean right now
*Drove a car: yes

H A V E Y O U E V E R . . .
[fallen for ur best friend]: yeah
[been rejected]: yeah
[rejected someone]: tried to but didn't have the heart
[used someone]: hopefully never will
[been cheated on]: yes :(
[done something u regret]: I regret a lot of things

---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN------------------
*Yourself: sometimes
*Your friends: yeah
*Santa Claus: lol yup
*Tooth Fairy: used to
*Angels: yup, hopefully my guardian angel looks over me
*Ghosts: yes, scary
*UFO's: no
*God: yes

W H O W A S T H E L A S T P E R S O N . . .
[u talked to]: Frank (not counting family)
[hugged]: Christie
[u instant messaged]: I haven't done any IM'ing in a while I think maybe a couple weeks ago
[u laughed with]: Frank

------------------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------
*Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: nope, the search begins after prom
*Like anyone?: yes
*Who have you known the longest of your friends: in my own group, Jason since frosh year 2nd semester.........otherwise Ian since 4th grade
*Who's the loudest: Adam
*Who's the shyest: That would definately be me
*Who's the weirdest: Definately Adam
*Who do you go to for advice: Tawni, I can tell her anything
*Who do you cry with: I try to cry by myself without anyone knowing ( I don't even blog about it)
*Whats the best feeling in the world: Knowing that my friends will always have my back
*Worst Feeling: when you bottle your feelings for so long that you get all depressed and shit
*Finish time: ???
------------------ H A V E Y O U / D O Y O U / A R E Y O U ------------------

[color your hair]: yeah
[habla espanol]: sometimes, not very good though
[smoke]: I haven't smoked drugs in 2 yrs, and I would never smoke a cigarette
[obsessive]: try not to be
[could u live without the computer?]: doubtful
[how many peeps are on ur buddylist?]: I think like 40 or 50 but I don't talk to much people online anymore
[what's your favorite food?]: hmmm....boiled eggs
[whats ur favorite fruit?]: strawberries and banana's
[what hurts the most? physical pain or emotional pain?]: hands downs Emotional
[trust others way too easily?]: nope, I shell up to those I dont trust or if I'm in a situation I don't feel good in

F I N A L Q U E S T I O N S . . .
[i want]: to start summer break
[i wish]: I would find a girlfriend that doesn't kill my spirit
[i love]: my family, and close friends, and Capt. Mallow
[i miss]: my cousins
[i fear]: Tawni ( I can't intimidate her)
[i hear]: my fone ring
[i wonder]: if I am I good person


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