Tuesday, April 01, 2003

Return of Summer and Ashby Comments Yet Again

Song Of The Day - Wizard of OZ - If I Only Had A Brain (don't ask me why)
Currently Feeling - ehhh....ok

Today was a pretty normal school day. I miss spring break, nothing interesting is happening anymore, were back to the normal routine of school. My english teach was on my case about my small print, I have to find someone to do an icon paper on........In marketing Bunton wasn't there so Adrian and me talked about sports and rap. Nine games left can the suns made the playoffs? I was thinking about going to the Suns game tonite since Tacora offered me his other ticket but I didn't feel like going to downtown Phoenix. Before Bio I got a chance to talk to Steph, she told me lately everyone goes up to her and asks hows she's doing with Jason. I just told her that it's just a phase and should die down in a couple days. Mike Smith continues to talk shit. In bio Tawni wasn't there so it was pretty quiet. Luckily I sat next to Hubert, Danielle, and Melanie so that a certain person couldn't grab the empty seat. I did a pretty good job on my oral presentation that I'm proud of. The rest of the day we just played games (not fun ones but rather protein synthesis games)...oh well that meant free time. Lunch I opted not to eat out with Adam and Adrian but chose to eat in with Jason and Frank. I was in line at the sub line when I accidentally bump into Mr. Ashby. He turns to me and says "James, you always seem lost when Tawni isn't at school"...lol hah hah Mr. Ashby.....Math is hard as fuck now so i know getting straight a's is going to be a pain in the ass.

My plans for today are....get a haircut, then play everything else by ear.....

Random Things.....

School has been excrutianingly boring...... hence my short posts, hopefully things will pick up after the break-in week.


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