Thursday, April 03, 2003

Mario Kart Tournament and Plan JA

Song Of The Day - Lee Ann Rimes - One Of These Days (I think that's what it's called, it's 8 on the cd)
Currently Feeling - Good Yet A Little Worried

Ok the curiousity is killing me, I'm curious cuz I have a pretty good idea of who reads this blog but I know someone with Cox cable from Arizona reads my blog. I know it's probably someone I know cuz my life is not really that interesting. So I just wanna know who ya are cuz I can't figure it out.... Thanx

Well hmmmm, well not much happened last nite, talked to Tawni for a bit then I just went to sleep. Today we had early release and it was pretty cool. I had to go to the library in english, in marketing Adrian and me just kicked back and talked about the usual basketball and music, in bio Tawni finally came back today although she's still a bit sick. Pretty much a free day though in Bio, math usual...sucked.....afterschool I dropped off Jeff then went to Frank's house cuz I was gonna eat lunch with Frank and Adam. Jason called up and he was gonna eat lunch with Steph, Tawni and Paul and invited us but we didn't feel like eating at Denny's. We played 3 games of Mario Kart in which I killed them all (sky from above and my yellow domain in block fort should ring a bell Tiano...). We took Franks truck and ate at Ray's Pizza. Nothing too exciting. We didn't really want to do anything that required money so we went back to Franks and held a Mario Kart Tourney. The final results were Adam with 13 wins, Frank with 8 wins, and I won with 16 wins. It sucked cuz they kept double teaming me but oh well. Afterwards I went home and I took a nap for 2 hours until Jason called. We talked about plan JA (I'll explain later).....then we talked about Tawni, then about Steph, then a couple other stuff. I joke around with him about how he's probably gonna leave the group. Afterwards Tawni and Steph call and tell me to go over to Cousin's right now......So it shouldn't have come to a shock that I ended up getting timed coming over there. They had absolutely no customer's it was pretty funny. Their manager kevin is pretty funny and throws cracks at Steph and Tawni with Steph getting majority of it. I hung around for about an hour then I went home to drop off my sis and her friend. I took her home then went to Adrian's to pick up this paper. I then went to Staples but didn't want to spend money so now I'm home.

Random Things....

My plans for tomorrow is to be as busy as possible so I can't kick it with Ian. So when I get home, I'll wash the car, then I'll pick up Jason go get our Tuxes, chill with Frank, go to Cousins for some clam chowwwwder, then go watch phone booth.

Plan JA is well the girl I like in my english class is named Katie's sad when my bests friends Adam, Tawni, and Jason (Frank didn't know her) were able to guess on their first tries. Anywho my plan is that I want to get to know her better before I make any type of move. Then if I decide to go thru with it I'll have Tawni and Natalie help me out on it. Hopefully it won't be like Tawni where when I look back and I realize how many times I screwed up (knock on wood).......She seems like a nice girl and she isn't quiet, and she's cute so those were my three main things I was looking for. Oh yeah she's not an idiot which is a plus too.

My bad omen dreams have died down a little but are still somewhat there. I dunno, they kinda worry me.........

Prom is 2 days away, I can't wait for it all to be over, it's gonna be cool and all but it's eaten away at all my available funds, and even at my reserve money.

Sometimes it's eerie when u look back on yourself and realize how much you have changed and even those who you have known for a long time. I happy with who I'm like now though and I like who I hang out with. I don't like being on the spotlight or being with people who I can't be myself around. I just thought of that cuz I stepped on Kachina grounds the other day and I realize I don't talk to that much peeps from Kachina that much anymore. Mainly cuz I choose not to go to majority of the parties cuz I don't wanna get high or drunk but I'm cool with that.

hmmm these are the future cd's I'm planning on making in the next few weeks

Mariah Carey CD
Rap CD
Slow Jamz XI
Trisha yearwood cd (from Tawni)


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