Tuesday, January 21, 2003

Song Of The Day - Sugarpie Honeybun
Currently Feeling - A lot

Well I've already written alot on it but I think I'll add a little bit more before I get on. I just want to know if I'm stupid in doing what I did. It wasn't like I chickened out, or got scared into not telling her but when we talked about relationships and trust I felt as though I would have betrayed it if I had told her. I know it would have complicated things and I don't want anything bad to happen between her and Paul even though I don't like him. I would be happy to see them together as long as he treated her right and didn't do anything fucked up even if it meant me not getting my 2nd chance. I had my chance to say something but I chose to add some credibility to Paul's name by telling her that I don't think Paul would hurt her like Mike or Ian has. I don't want to be wrong about that, I'm being completely honest, no matter how much she says it didn't hurt her I know deep down it did have an effect on her and if Paul did the same, well lets just say I don't want that to happen. My gut instinct told me the time wasn't right and I listened to it.

You know it's funny how fate chooses to work it's magic no matter how subtle it may be. On the first day of school, if I had been just a minute early, everything in my life would be completely different than it is right now. I would have never chosen to sit by her. I never would have gotten to know her, I never would have fallen for her, I wouldn't have grown as a person like I have this year. All because I took an extra minute, a fuckin extra minute to walk to class. You never really think how time so short can change your life so drastically. It's crazy to think of it but I'll just be grateful to fate that it held me back one minute so that I would have had the only place to sit which was in front of Tawni.

Hmmm....i'm really tired and still have to study so I'll have to delay telling you about today til 2morrow. I have a lot of tihngs to do and to think of.


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