Saturday, September 14, 2002

Song(s) of the Day- Rufio- Tears and Save the World

Hmm I haven't written in a while because I was busy with studying and such. So i'll recap what has happened.... On Weds I had to get my TB test for HCT. I was hella scared. I can't stand needles. I probably couldn't have taken it if it weren't for Tawni holding my hand. I dunno it's weird she makes me feel comfortable and at ease. I think her ex-boyfriend is getting jealous. Everytime I see him he's looking over in my direction, and today he sat in her seat and wouldn't move so I ended up sitting next to him. I've also talked to Christy a lot more. We really have a lot in common. She is also deathly afraid of needles and we have all of our classes together. I probably don't have a shot though.....oh well :) Well my hooking up Jason and Lesly is going pretty well. He may actually have a chance. He wants me to hook up with Leah and then we could go on a double date but I don't know.

On Thurs. we had early release so me, Jason, Adam, Frank, and Hubert went to Hooters. We had a pretty fun time but we had a pretty ugly waitress. The food sucked but I wasn't expecting something grand. My friends found bones in their cheese steak philly's which was pretty sick. Also there was a gay guy over there. He standed out like no other.

On Fri We had a pep rally for the football team which lasted 10 mins. We were gonna just ditch but Pete the guard was standing right in front of my car so we had to stay. At night i went with my dad to go pick up Marianne. It took around 4 hours but I slept on the way back.

I'll put up an update later tonight ite..... lata blogsta


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