Saturday, August 24, 2002

Song Of The Day- Daniel Beddingfield- Gotta get through this
Word(Phrase) of The Day- Screw up royally

Well today is my birthday, finally I'm 16. Nothing monumental happened really. I went to school but decided to keep it quiet til later in the day because i don't wanna hear the happy birthday song. I went to talk to a couple of doctors to see if I could shadow them. Dr Lee of radiation Oncology was a real interesting person. It was his first day on the job but did he have a lot of wisdom. He told me not to go into biology because the chances of me becoming a doctor would decrease. He also said major in something I like. Towards the end of the day I told a bunch of people. Afterwards I went home then left to go pick up Baitos. My dad said that my PE coach wanted to say happy birthday to me so I went and saw him. We both had the same birthday so it's almost tradition. Got home and just kicked it for a little. Ian called me up and wished me a happy birthday and wanted to go see if I wanted to do something. Then my cousin Tiano called and wished me happy birthday. I started watching Showtime but then we had a blackout. Soon I passed out only for my sister to wake me up to go eat outside. I drove to Great Wall which was pretty far away. But what's with all these jackasses on the road. I wanted to burn them and set them in their place but my mom was with me and would have yelled at me. We ate and we went to Fry's marketplace. Nothing special there but one thing....Lucy Lui is hot on the maxim mag. We went to wal-mart and I saw Trent. He's a little full of himself and he sounds like he makes stuff up sometimes but he's cool. We talked for a while and he wished me a happy birthday. I wanted to go home and watch the football game but I forgot it was sat.

Here's my one liners for the day.....
Well were leaving for Tucson tomorrow to drop of Men. It feels a little awkward.....

It's good to know that couz didn't commit suicide....

Damn I hate jackass drivers......


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