Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Happy 4th of July

Song Of The Day- Bubba Sparxx - Ms. New Booty
Currently Feeling- Sleepy

Well first off Happy 4th of July to everyone!!! Hopefully everyone had a safe and fun holiday....i sure did.......anyways before i get to the 4th, i'll quickly catch up on the happenings of the weekend. My plan was to leave on Sat but i decided to stay to go out to dinner for my dad's birthday. Unfortunately he was doing his own thing so instead of going out to dinner, I dropped by Tom's house and hung out with him for a bit, then i went over to Dusty's and hung out with him and Adam. We then met up with Frank at Joel's house and watched Nightwatch.......this is kind of weird but i watched it at the Harkins Art Cinema with Moses awhile ago and i really enjoyed it, I then watched it again at Joels and i thought it was so dull.......My theory is that i thought it was boring because 1) it was dubbed as opposed to in theaters where it was subbed and 2) Joel's house was so freaking hot, i was sweating all over his couch. Anyways i passed out halfway through the movie.

Sunday i went out to lunch with my family at the Great Wall. After that I chilled at home for a little bit, then i was off to Tucson again. I went home and just lounged at home. Emily was having a get together that night but i was too tired. Then Paul and Shaun came over to tucson and invited me over but once again i was too tired.

Monday i woke up, and i was supposed to volunteer in the morning but i was way too tired. So i lounged and copied Dragon Quest VIII and then went to school.....i guess it was cancelled however because no one was there except for one guy who not surprisingly didn't go to the last class (like me). So i then just went to the house and did some lawn watering, then played some fight night before coming back around 4. I came back and J-Bot wasn't home so i figured he was playing raquetball but I was later talking to Me'shell and she was planning on getting a game going but couldn't get a hold of J-Bot. She also was followed from school by this late 90's altima. I really wanted her to just drive over to my place and that way i could scare the creepy bastard away. Anyways i then played some Dragon Quest and then drove over to Applebees to pick up my credit card i lost. The way over, i was talking to the Mase and we had quite a long but interesting conversation. Anywho i came back to my apt and i was talking to the Mase still when J-bot walks in, in his Albertsons gear. So yah in other words J-bot finally got a ya we were starting to get a little worried because I figured his money cushion he saved up last summer must be running on critical...haha....anyways for the rest of the night, i actually went running again on Greasewood, then went to wingstop and albertsons to try to see J-Bot, then went home and I drank by myself. I didn't get drunk but i was feeling good. I only made one drink but put 4 shots of Rum with my cola. lol i learned that if i take a shower when i drink, my buzz goes how sad......I then played somemore DQ for a while.

Today i woke up and played a good amount of DQ right until i had to get ready for the BBQ. Anyways the plan for the day was to have a kickback at the house. I went over there around 4 and watered the lawn, and played fight night until the girls came over. They made the patties and i went out back and bbq'ed. After it was all said and done it was Me, Me'Shell, Deeds, Adam, his little bro, Emily, and Brandon. lol it was a really fun night we made a crapload of burgers and then ate, and hung out. They started drinking and then we we went to go watch Fireworks from "A" mountain (just a mountain right tawni lol). Anyways our first attempt involved us paying 4 dollars to sit in the TCC parking lot but it was really sucky so we left and we drove up to the scenic view to see if we could see any fireworks but we couldn't. So we then drove up to a high point in the mountain which was pretty cool. Deeds, Em, and Brandon sat on the MDX roof haha. Oh ya i forgot to mention that we had to drop by my apartment cuz Brandon and Me'shell had to pee real bad. Lol Me'shell was sooooooo funny tonite, we had our fight night dancing it was funny....Anyways after that we went back to the house and we ate some more and i drank some beer. We then went outside and it was pouring (you would have loved it Tawnicita). We then ran some fireworks which were really cool. Then we played music and just hung out and took pictures (i left it at the house so no pic update). J-bot unfortunately couldn't come because he had to work til 1 so they all helped me clean up and then i waited a couple minutes before driving was weird i got a small buzz when i started drinking but then i felt completely normal after that.

Ruminations and Reflections

-Haha so ya Fight Night Dance well Me'shell and me were playing fight night and when the boxer would grapple the other boxer, she was like "i'm hugging him" then we both started juking in front of each other and she was like "we're dancing"....hahaha...anyways we joked about that for the rest of the night haha.....

- So i guess the other thing you are probably thinking is why did i drink by myself.......well part of it i guess u could say is boredom but i guess i also wanted to shut up my thinking for the night and since i was bymyself, i was in no danger of saying something i'd regret haha....don't worry i don't plan on it becoming commonplace.......

-I have a feeling i'm forgetting something but if i am i'll add it in another post


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