Monday, June 05, 2006

The Blog I've Been Meaning to Write.....*Will Have to Wait*

Song Of The Day- Rihanna - Unfaithful
Currently Feeling- Something Familiar
This Day In History- 3yrs ago - I mentioned how Tawni and Moose were going to hang out. I hung out at Tawni's house while she got ready (i still have the pictures somewhere i think). I then talked about how i was going to go to the library to get free stuff from adam. I then said i ways probably going to go to cousins with Jase the Mase. 2yrs ago- I went on the classic camping trip with Jase, El Steph, Mike, Adam, and me....haha that was a memorable time. Anyways after that i also took my first to tucson for registration. Steph and me followed paul and tawni and we chilled at the house for the first time.

Hmmm........well this is the blog i've been meaning to write for awhile, but i have delayed writing it for one reason or another. Before i actually jump to my topic of choice, i gotta state now that I'm writing this as of 11:11Pm Monday June 5th, but i'm writing this on a whim of sorts and the feeling to purge my thoughts onto this blog may suddenly vanish and i may not get to finishing it til later. So whenever i post this, if it comes out choppy, you know why.

So lets start off simple with my vector calc class. It has been a bit of hit or miss. I'm sure i already wrote about how i ordered the wrong book online so I was already a step behind. I had to spend an extra 150 on the book and to make things worse they wouldn't buyback the wrong book because they had too much of that book. Homework isnt' due til test day and we only need to do 50% of it which isn't hard at all. I mean i did four sections in about 2 hours. My teacher is cool but he's got a pretty bad accent so at times i seem to zone off. Another thing i have to correct is that i said there were no cute girls in my class. That may not be entirely correct. By this i mean today (Weds the 7th) before class i was going to grab a bottle of water and there was this girl in front of me who i thought looked pretty cute. Anyways she went a different way than i did so i didn't think much more of her. However i crossed paths with her once again heading to class and it turns out she actually is in my class and sits diagonal from me. Anyways i dunno maybe she, maybe she's not......i don't know anything about her so i leave that as that...

Another thing i want to touch base on is my ever-growing need to increase the technology level in my room and space. In the past year i've upgraded my speakers (twice), got a new subwoofer, dual monitored, have a mouse that operates in the air, and now have bought a sharper image fan for a decent amount of money. It actually came in the mail after hours of waiting but unfortunately i can't use it to it's full compacity yet. The reason being because it's missing the remote control which controls the temperature to set the fan to and it's also missing the base which eliminates its ability to rotate. I've already called Sharper Image and they are going to be sending the necessary materials tomorrow. While still on the topic of new technology i'm also on the verge of buying the Pocket PC 6700. For those who don't know what that is, it's a PDA phone, but not just any PDA but it has Wi-Fi, bluetooth, Windows OS, Office, the ability to play MP3's, videos. The downside of it, is it's enormous price tag of 600. But if u know me u know i'm very crafty about purchasing big tickets items.

I also wanted to get more detailed on the growing situation that is adam and tawni. I know i mentioned somewhere that i may be donning the bow and arrow but this is not the case. Instead i have equipped myself with a pen and pad along with a couch. Since this whole situation has started i have been throwing advice to both of them and listening to their problems or whatever. As tawni said, i've unintentionally become the middle man in all of this. For instance, last nite around midnite i get a text from adam and he is upset so i say he can come over. From there we have a bit of a pow wow. He gave me his 3 cents and i gave him mine and then he went back over there. I should state i have no problem with all of it, i just think that all the problems they have now, i think are going to be prevalent for the duration of all of this.

* Right now i've been trading texts with tawni about the whole situation and how he doesn't talk to her about problems and i just asked her where she was at and she was having dinner with him. Then i get a text message from adam asking me if there's something wrong with tawni. haha*

-i'm gonna cut myself off there, but unfortunately i didn't blog about what i wanted to blog about maybe later


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