Friday, June 16, 2006

Throw It Up *Edited at 6:55PM*

Song Of The Day- David Banner- Like A Pimp
Currently Feeling- Normal
This Day In History- 3yrs ago - Had chats with the mase about what was upsetting me as well as what was upsetting him. Also Bishop Thomas O'Brien got arrested on Hit and Run Charges and gave yet another black eye to the Catholic community.

Throw it up ehhhh..........why is that the title of this post? Well quite literally, that's what everyone seemed to do last night. But to not confuse the readers, I'll retell the day chronologically. Thurs are usually my slow days, i don't have school or any real priorities. So i thought i would sleep in but I couldn't and as a result i was up at 9. I lounged for a couple hours but boredom started to get the better of me. So I got my school stuff and headed off to campus to try to do some of my homework. I first went to the Student Union...somewhere i haven't been since school ended. I got my usual omelette and just kinda chilled there and played with my phone. I was there for about two hours and didn't even open my backback before i decided to just go back home. So i went back home and chilled yet again for awhile until Adam the Jew called to see if i wanted to go to dinner. So he dropped by my apartment and we headed off to Ruby Tuesday. I talked to him a bit and something struck me awkwardly. Anywho we got there and grubbed out then went back to my place and we played some 2K6 (i lost). After that we watched smallville then he took off and i watched supernatural before getting ready for the night. J-Bot and me went over to Emily's and hung out over there with Chase, Emily, and Brandon. We were then joined by Ms. Deeds and Sarah. They all started drinking except Sarah and me who were the DD's. I then left for a little to go to the house. By the time i got there however, El Steph, Holly, and Paul had been drinking for a while. Paul was the worst he was trashed. Adam then came by and hung out as well. I then saw Steph and Paul throw up.....yum......Soon after i decided to go back to Emily's. By then j-bot looked KO'ed, Deeds was looking pretty tipsy, and Brandon of course looked like he was gonna fall asleep. We all kinda ganged up on Aditi about Adam (ochem) and we pressured him into coming over. lol it was definately worth it however (even though we picked him up at 1AM) cuz deeds and adam were definately looking mighty cozy together. I have refrained from talking about it much in my blog, but Adam and Deeds has the potential to be a very good thing for both of them........Anyways as we were leaving J-Bot finished the night by throwing a crapload up in the middle of the street haha......

This morning I had volunteering at El Rio. It was really quiet at first and it almost approached 12:45 which was when i was planning on leaving but then a plethora of kids showed up so i kinda played with them until it was all too much for me and i left haha. Anyways the plan for tonight is to go to Phx with Me'Shell and J-Bot as we are riding with a garbage bag for a window...haha gangsta.......When i get to phoenix, i dunno what the plan is.

Random Things........

- Reasons why i'm going to phx is because its fathers day sun and i'm trying to get my dad some new tower speakers. The second reason is because i'm picking up my bluetooth headset this weekend.

- Last night, El Steph gave some sightly advice which i have ultimately decided to take. I think it's for the best to keep my opinion and mediating to myself for the most part and let Tawni and Adam's relationship take it's natural course whether good or bad.

- Lol i also forgot one other thing that i thought was pretty funny last night. All night i kept referring to the Long Island Ice Teas as the Rhode Island Ice Teas.........obviously someone wasn't gonna let me get by saying that without busting my chops abit and this time it was emily haha. THe funny thing was i kept referring to it as Rhode Island Ice Teas without knowing what i was (if you don't get why they were busting my chops for this, you need to read over my blog)


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