My Buddy And Me

Song Of The Day- Pussycat Dolls - Buttons
Currently Feeling- Not Sure
Picture Of The Day - Tawni and me waiting for the pizza at Papa Johns haha
Well the past couple days have gone by crayz fast. Since last week i've pretty much hung out with Tawni everyday. I've lived at the house more or less haha.....Sunday I went over to the house to keep Tawni company while she cleaned up the backyard. I half assed my homework while she cut the grass and pulled out weeds. Once she was done with the backyard, we went to Subway to grab some much needed food. Lol it was funny, i didn't plan on paying for her food. I was ahead of her in line and when i got to the cashier, i extended my card to the man but he didn't take it. He then waited until Tawni's food was done and by then i decided i was gonna pay for it because i didn't want to look after that we went back to the house and ate our food then we hung out for awhile until we decided to eat dinner. We decided to go to Applebees on Grant. I was curious to see if we would get the waiter that hit on Me'Shell but we didn't. Anyways we both ordered the parmesian and shrip steak and she paid for the dinner. After that we chilled some more and then we decided to go on my famous drives. Lol we went to the scenic point but there were a lot of people there surprisingly at 11 at night, so we then went on a trek looking for my old thinking spot but we couldn't find it. It was fun driving around though listening to the slow jamz of old. We also tried to go to "A" Mountain (hahaha....inside joke). Anyways we did go back and we hung out somemore and talked. She looked tired round 1-2ish so i left plus i had a test i had to study for, which i didn't even look at the practice test.....
Monday I woke up early to study for the test. I crammed but honestly i knew i was gonna be fucked. So i got to class and apparently class was cancelled on Weds because our teacher was still in Mexico. So instead of the test we had a review and the test was pushed back until Tuesday. I stayed for the whole class although i should have left early. Class lasted until about 3, then i went back home and then i went to the house to go to the mall with Tawnicita. We went to AE and she bought some jean shorts and a couple shirts. We then dropped by shortly at the dog store before heading back to the house. We both started getting really hungry so we decided to go get some pizza and wings. That is where the picture of the day was taken btw. Anyways we got the pizza (which she gave me her card to pay for but i used mine) and we went back to the house and started to watch Garden State. She didnt' watch too much of it as she was on the phone but i watched all of it, then played some more Fight Night. After playing and chilling for a bit, we watched some tv......We then also dropped by Wal-Mart so she could pick up some more supplies for her trip to Japan on Thursday. She picked up the tab for my lotion and pencils..haha.......we then went back to her place and then Tawni sent some inappropriate text messages and i had to shoot down her sexual advances towards j/k actually i took her phone and texted my phone, then i texted her from my phone, then she texted me back and we went back and forth saying stupid funny things while sitting next to each my personal favorite was when she said "But I can't live knowing it could've happened I'll always wonder what if..." to which i replied "One day tawnicita, one day, when the two of us are there, I wear by the moon and stars, i swear i'll be there".....(we were listening to All-4-One-I swear)....
Today i woke up early to once again study since i didn't do any the night before. I studied for a while and then i went to the house to follow tawni to Kia. She had to take her car in for service so i picked her up so that she didn't have to wait there. I then dropped her off at the house and then went to school to take the test.....the test was pretty easy we only had to answer 9-20 but we had to answer certain ones. After class i headed back over to the house, I was on the phone with Adam and when i came in Tawni was sleeping so i tried to quietly close the doors but Carl was i felt bad :(......Anyways we hung out and downlaoded music for her boss, and i played more fight night as she watched me play while doing other stuff. She then went out to dinner with Sarah while i was busy playing Fight Night. (I forgot to mention this earlier but i created myself in the game, i'm 25-3 with 25 KO's.....o ya and my nickname is sweetness, Tawni looks to bust my chops about that haha). Anyways i also stepped outside and admired the rain for a while. They came back and they were doing their thing for awhile while i continued playing. I then talked on the phone with Jason the Jew while playing Fight Night, while trying to IM Deeds back.....i wasnt doing anything particularly well. Anyways I left at 11, and grabbed some Wingstop and Joel just dropped by and J-Bot and him are drinking it up......
Random Things......
- This week kinda feels like a blast from the past. Its been awhile since i've hung out with Tawni like this......For those wondering, it's not exactly like the past if u get what i'm saying. But i'm getting off my topic. It has hit me that she is leaving to Sacramento, and despite changes in the past 4 years, I consider her one of my closest friends, and I guarantee i will be among the saddest to see her go. But instead of mopping about it, I've chosen to make the best of my time although i'm sure she's starting to get sick of me haha......too bad she'll have to deal with it, at least until tomorrow when she starts her trip to Japan (technically Thurs). When she comes back, hopefully we'll still hang out and i know when school starts it'll be hard too since school is gonna be hell next semester. But despite what she thinks, from here until Sactown......if i have a chance to hang out with Cita.....bee golly willikers....i will hang out with Cita.......
- I guess balancing has been off as i haven't seen the girls a lot. There are a couple reasons for that, but when it comes down to it, i suppose it comes down to conflicting schedules i guess you could say haha....
- On another sad yet good note, I may go to the Phillipines this summer. However with each benefit, there is a cost (we learned that in bio Ms. Deeds) and in this circumstance, it may be the trip to California. Based on how things go hypothetically, My parents plan on leaving the 19th, I have a final on the 19th but they will get me a ticket to leave later. The trip to california is on the 21st-24th i think. I feel really bad if i go though because i was looking forward to going not to mention since i haven't hung out much with the girls, it was a way to make up for it......unfortunately I can't pass up a trip to the Phillippines if I can go...
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