Alpha Male

Currently Feeling- Unsure
Picture of the Day - Ahh the post-wedding.....Tiano and me thought it was funny if we took a picture with lichun (the pig). Unfortunately we couldn't take an after picture of the pig when all that was left was its head (and even then someone took a piece of the head.
Well here is the 2nd part of my blog. To be completely honest I'm unaware of how to approach this blog. I guess i'll just go over what i did yesterday and go from there....
So yesterday was just a laid back day. I just kinda lounged and watched tv. Deeds called to see what was up for tonight and Sarah and Deeds ended up coming over last nite. Them along with Bottcher and me grabbed some KFC and went back to my place to eat and watched some Spider Man II. We were waiting on Deeds friend Sahvna but apparently she left her phone at home. So we went ahead to Foothills mall to watch The Break Up. The movie was pretty funny and entertaining. It seemed realistic especially the Madden part of it. After that they dropped us back at the apartment and then i went over to the house to hang out with Tawni and Adam for a bit. Paul woke up and joined us for a bit and then i decided to leave to get some benedryll and some gas.
Today was a kick in the nutes and it's only 2:30. My big thing was i was going to do homework today but unfortunately the math book was not the correct one. I rushed over to Pima to see if the bookstore was still open but i was eleven minutes too late. So plan B is now in effect where Mon i wake up at 8:30, buy the book and do homework til 1. Hmmm really the only things i have done other than that is eat some chicken wings and talked to Tawni and Adam on the phone.
Random Things.....
- I guess there is no topic better to discuss than the title of my post "Alpha Male". The reason for this actually involves a conversation i had with someone earlier. For those who needs a heads up on what i mean by alpha male, i'm referring it as a guy who needs/tries to be the top dog among guys in their domain. If there were two people i would consider to try to be alpha males, it would be Paul and Franklin Fibbs. With Fibbs it's obvious because he tries to stamp his authority among the other roomies (myself included). He barks orders and tries to take command of every situation that pertains to the domain. I wouldn't be considered to have the alpha male complex because i'm very lax about things and usually don't care about who tries to take control. The other person i consider to be an alpha male is Paul. My reasons for saying this is when i observe paul when we play poker or when other guys are around, he tries to assert his control over them in his place. This is especially shown when new people are introduced to the House. With all of this said, it's not a bad thing to be an alpha male.
- Another thing i want to address in more detail is the situation between tawni and adam. As i said yesterday, I think that they should label themselves as couples (right now they are couples, but they haven't labelled themselves as such.....yet). I'm very supportive of it because they both seem really happy right now. With that said, I've also said there are a LOT of variables surrounding this relationship. One of which I've become more and more troubled with for the past couple days and another one is starting to manifest itself to become a problem. The latter of the problems deals with Paul and how he has handled things. I don't want to go to detail but he just seems off the last couple times i've hung out with him. It's obvious he has definately been affected by the whole thing. The first problem, I'll keep to myself for now.
- Something else i want to touch base on is the Deeds-Lance Bass thing. I'm very confused about what to make of it. At first i thought he was trying to get to know her better beforehand but on further inspection i don't think that's the case. For now i have a conclusion of sorts based of what she has told me (although i haven't had a good read on him cuz i haven't really talked to him or even see them interact). That conclusion is that he seems interested enough to hang out with her time to time ("dates" so to speak) but not interested enough to pursue something bigger with her (a relationship). So depending on what deeds is looking for, decides whether or not this is a good thing. But i do have to agree with what Sarah said, it doesn't seem like a good fit.
-With all this talk about other peoples "love" status, one would ask what about mine. Unfortunately my status is really up in the air. With me becoming a hermit, i haven't met a lot of new people, and my math class presents no one that stands out. One person i'd like to see if there is something further is gone for the summer (currently located in Quahog haha). There may be more but i care not to discuss because it gets sticky. But with the wedding and stuff, my mindset is back to the romantic in me which doesn't bode well with me being a hermit and what not haha.
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