Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Sleep: What a Wonderful Thing

Song Of The Day- Elton John - Your Song
Currently Feeling- Decent
This Day In History- 3yrs ago- I suspected tawni was reading my blog....it was actually her sister...1yr ago- Shaun came down and hung out, Joey got pulled over and it would have been me, and it was around this time that tawni started drinking.

Well today was a pretty good day i think. My first class we went through the review. The girl sitting next to me was looking pretty today. 2nd period i slept through it, it was one of the bests lectures ever....haha...3rd period just got through alkynes.....Math was math.....i had lunch with Aditi and we discussed my costume and some b-ball stuff. Lab was alright we got out an hour early. After lab, i went home and took a nap. I then watched King of Queens and How I Met Your Mother........lol now if they were to tailor make me a show, i think How I met Your Mother would be very close to it. I reccomend it and i think it may beat out supernatural for best new show in my opinion. I then watched prison break (another very good new show). I then wrote my paper, watched some wrestling. The plan for tonite (it's already midnite) is to do the rest of my math, then go to albertsons and get some stuff, and then maybe get a pumpkin pie shake....yum

Random Things......

- I read this thing online about this person who went through a whole day in a bear costume....it gave me a great idea for a documentary....."Life in the day of a bear in the city".....haha but all kidding aside i would love to do that one day....

- Happy B-Day Joel (technically it was yesterday)

- I'm hoping the Paddington Bear Costume will work out....it's all a matter of shipping.....


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