Saturday, June 12, 2004

My Final Fantasy

Song Of The Day- Lloyd Banks - Warrior Remix
Currently Feeling- Lazy
This Day In History- Did some stuff that could somewhat resemble what I did today

Well On Thurs I did go to the library and guess who I bump into....none other than local genius Jason Botcher. I talked to him for a bit then I went looking for scary stories to no avail so I then went to Safeway but Michelle wasn't working. I then went to Quizzno's (no more Cousins cuz I don't get free food anymore). Anyways Jason's ex-girl Ashley was working there and so was Andre. Ashley gave me a discount and she sat down and we talked while I ate my sub. She looks pretty good and part of me wants to kinda "do" something but I don't think I will. Oh well either way I'll probably be going to Quizzno's a lot more now. So I chilled for a bit then I went to Adam's house and we went to Millie's house. Now first I was the DD (designated driver) so it was really boring. 2nd if you want to look up the word unfortunate you would find Millie's picture. That kid is going thru some bad times, first his roomate ditches him without telling him and no way of paying all the rent. 2nd he took absolutely everything in the house, and finally the water got shut off with him still living there for a couple more weeks. Anyways so I layed on the floor while Millie and Adam got drunk then we went over to Steph's house and hung out there for a while. On the way over however Adam decided to try and catch this dog with a collar. It wasn't pretty, Adam got burnt by the dog and when I pulled up in my car to pick him up he was pissin in the front of someone's house. heh....

Yesterday was real boring at first. I decided to get into the RPG spirit and started playing Final Fantasy X. It's been a while since I've played an RPG for reals. The last time actually was last summer playing Wild Arms (around the same time to be exact). Anyways I did that for a while then I picked up Frank and we went to the Mariott to go swimming and to chill in the spa. Jas and Steph joined us and we chilled there for the rest of the night.

Today was more of Final Fantasy as I clocked in 5-6 hours today...sweet....I tried calling Amber to see if she wanted to hang out but she didn't answer her phone. I went to Costco with my fam to look for some stuff. Tonight the plan is to go see the Chronicles of Riddick.

Random Things.....

Well you want some correlation between now and a year ago

-Instead of playing Wild Arms I'm now playing Final Fantasy X
-Tawni was gone to NAU and now she is gone to China
-Amber called and now I called her
-I went to Cousins and now to Quizno's

Well those are the similarities, however my state of mind as well as my personality as changed from that of a year ago. I still have questions in my mind but I chose to keep them to myself because one I don't believe I can get an answer to my questions and two maybe I don't want to know the answers to those questions.

heh....Ashley's cute


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