Thursday, February 12, 2004

Death By Golf Cart

Currently Feeling - Torn
This Day In History - hmmm......well some things really change but others don't.....Tawni was thinking about dropping AP Bio.....also I was also in deep thinking mode about V-day because Tawni was upset due to Paul not planning anything for V-day.....

Well today was quite an interesting day. We had early release today so that was cool. Physics I got a 96 on my test, ummm.....PCT didn't really do much.......Gov't not really do much....afterschool everyone met up at #1 Bro's pizza....that included Jason, Steph, Adam, Frank, Amber, Tawni, and Paul......It was cool, I had 30 wings no sweat...Afterwards we all kinda split into groups of twos. Frank went with Paul, Tawni and Amber, Jason and Steph, and Adam and me......Adam beat me in Madden, I got way too cocky then we went to Jason's house and hung out there for a while. We went to get some oil at Autozone and were making a left and Jason takes it hard and one side of the car gets lifted off the ground....holy shit I thought we were going to die. but it was really sick though......We then did some stuff and then I watched him play Blitz Pro then we played pool for a bit. Adam came back over and we played pool, yeah he killed me, Steph came over too....yeah Steph can't go to Vegas so it's now down to 3 and a probable....If we lose another definate, then the trips off cuz it wouldn't be as much fun in a smaller group. Anyways we did invent a new was really fun.....Adam and me then went to my house so he could pick up Madden. I watched Friends, then picked up my moms. I did some stuff then called Tawni if she was cool and yeah that's about it.......

Random Things.....

Adam got a new job.....heh he starts tomorrow and works til 11.....

Tomorrow is going to suck for the most part. Jason and Steph are gone for the weekend, Frank is working then getting drunk so I'm alright not going, Adam's working, Tawni's doing her Fasfa.....maybe I could hang out with Paul....heh

Speaking of Paul, I had this dream was weird I gave Tawni and Steph the edited version but anyways the gist of what happened was this new preppy kid, and both Paul and me were getting jealous so we combined forces and proceded to give a beating to this kid....the thing is that the new kid was a new kid in a sense but I know who it was......

Shit Valentine's day sucks!!! I'm really tired of hearing about it from everyone and I'm also tired off all the may be cuz I have no valentine but still the day is bullshit in present time so I'll stand by that decision....

speaking of V-day, I actually got into a convo with Jason about it. We talked about it for a little bit but I won't indulge what we were talking about....


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