Sunday, July 27, 2003

The New Plan (Well technically not a plan but more like my new motto)

Currently Feeling - Weird

Yeah so today felt a little weird for reason in particular. The first half of the day I didn't really do anything but church but the 2nd half I called up Moses to see if he wanted to go grab some food. We went to Ray's Pizza and I kept trying to let me hang out with his cousin. Now I've never met her but I have a good feeling about it. Moses said she doesn't look anything like him so that's a big plus. I finally convinced him to let me go see Tomb Raider with him and his cous so if it turns out she's not what I expected I can just hang out with Moises more. It's all part of my new motto....make a move. I don't want to give it a plan name cuz I don't wanna feel obligated to make moves everywhere but it's just like a if I feel it, go for it. So anyways after dinner I picked up Dusty and Adam and we went and shot pool. I was doing pretty well when I didn't feel hot as hell. Also there was this girl playing next to us that looked pretty good. Yeah I was pretty obvious cuz she caught me looking a couple times.....I felt a little embarrased. I wasn't gonna do anything but I was thinking about it, I thought this guy was her boyfriend but he wasn't cuz I saw him get real friendly with this other girl. So I guess u could call it a blown opportunity although I wouldn't have made a move either way. Well anyways I dropped off Moises then hung out at Adam's for a bit. I went home at around 10 cuz I was feeling a little tired. Too bad now I'm reenergized so oh well. Tomorrow I gotta drop by the bank and get the tax form in the event I end up doing the scholarship thing. Then I may go watch a movie with Moses at nite with his couz (I don't think it's the one I want it to be though).

Random Things....

I'm probably more pissed now than I was earlier now that I got a chance for it to sink in. If Jason's gonna read it at least take out the proxy so I know when u do.

I want to get a new aol screename cuz I'm trying to stray away from the darkness. So any ideas for a new name would be helpful. If I can't come up with anything I can always use jamzgo...but it seems a little boring.


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