Thursday, November 07, 2002

Song Of The Day - Boyz II Men - Dreams
Currently Feeling - Even better than yesterday

3 straight good days....that's been a first in a while.......Today I got to get out of school early because of early release. We had a 20 minute class in APUSH, so we watched a movie. This girl Sabrina, who I've sit next to this whole year but never said a word to, I finally talked to her. Actually she forced me to talk to her. Yeah I was just sitting there when she starts yelling at me because I don't talk to her. I talked to her for a little bit with Amber with Amber saying that I was just a shy person. She said I was cute and stuff which was pretty cool. In HCT we were learning about Diabetes. Nothing really interesting. In the 2nd half we watched this part from a bill cosby stand up comedy about natural child birth and children growing pretty funny stuff and he doesn't have to use profanity to get laughs..... I asked Tawni if we were still gonna see SHA and she said yeah which put my fears to rest that I wouldn't watch it for the 6th straight week. We decided to eat lunch with Paul and Amber at Fazzoli's. I tried to get Adam and Frank to come but Adam said that he thought Paul was a little weird and he wanted to eat at Carl's Jr. I even offered to pay for him but he declined.....Yeah it was a little quiet at Fazzoli's. Tawni was angry at Paul because he lied to her twice. I was expecting Paul to be off the wall but he was just as quiet as I was. After lunch, Paul and Amber went there way and Tawni and I went to Arrowhead. We bought our tickets and walked around the mall for a little bit. We went to Dillards and briefly looked for men's cologne. I did the sniffing thing when we got into the perfume section because it was too strong. We then went in the Animal store and looked at the animals. We looked at the dogs and then the bunnies. I told her that if I ever got a bunny, it's name would be Captain Mallow (from Watership Down). There was this pudgy bunny that we thought was cute. I should get a bunny. You don't have to let them out as much as hampsters and are easier to take care of. After that we went to the Cartoon corner to see if they still had this doll that I gave Heather (ex-girl) a couple years ago. We then started walking to the theater and we started talking about Paul. I predicted that she would end up dating Paul because I don't see how it wouldn't end up that way unless something drastic happened. Hey I predicted Ian and her, when it comes to predictions I'm a perfect 6-0. When we got into the theaters we got into a deep convo about relationships. It felt pretty good getting some of that stuff off my chest. The movie started and I felt this great relief come over me that after 6 weeks of waiting I'd finally get to see the movie. I was pretty movie was really good, it was really funny and was quite romantic. The best part was when Reese was talking to her dog's grave. It made me tear up a little bit, i tried to get it so it wasn't noticable but Tawni saw me. On a plus she said she wouldn't tell. So go see Sweet Home Alabama if you haven't yet, it's in my top 10 romantic movies. I'll try to get that list up soon. After the movie we went to Amber's house. I chilled in Amber's room with Paul for a little. I called Adam to see what he was up to. Then I went in the bathroom with Amber and we talked for a little bit. I left to pick up my sis and Amber asked me if I still like Tawni and I said I don't know. I went to pick up my sis and see 3 cops on this one street. I guess it had something to do with Justin, Cookie, and some other people. Now I'm home and I have a lot of homework to do. This entry has taken me a while to do, 35 minutes and counting to be exact and I still have some stuff to write in the Mind Of Jamz

Well tomorrow I get to go to Grand Canyon University...pretty cool hopefully and I may have to pick up my sis from Tucson.....

O yeah I'm planning on seeing Hoobastank on Nov 12 at Desert Ridge Mall....

Well later blogsta


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